Twenty two : Together

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"Kookie?" The omega whispers out, making jungkook to grin wider and walk forward to his charming mate

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"Kookie?" The omega whispers out, making jungkook to grin wider and walk forward to his charming mate.

Just as the alpha got near him, taehyung happily mumbles, "See...I found a little baby"

The alpha just chuckles and pecks his lips, giving a bright shy grin to his omega. Jungkook looks down to the small girl and pats her head kindly.

After mumbling some sweet words to the girl, the alpha then glances at the pack chief who's right now in charge of their security.

"Carry this angel to our pack house" The alpha requests to the chief who immediately nods with a satisfied smile.

"Yes alpha" Hoseok replies and then gives a teasing wink at jungkook who just chuckles and waves his hand.

Taehyung watches the alpha picking up the girl swiftly and walking away with a genial smile.

"I was ready to take her" He says with a pout, jungkook smiles and scoots closer, nuzzling to his neck while humming in satisfaction, "Mm hm"

"You looked so sexy out there baby" The alpha sensually nibbles his earlobes, making taehyung to gasp and turn around to face jungkook, "You saw!?"

Jungkook chuckles, "Of course i saw... What do you expect when you suddenly left me alone in the park?"

"You weren't supposed to see that... Ah i'm embarrassed! You need to stop stalking me around" Taehyung grumbles, hitting the alpha's arm lightly.

"Stop stalking my mate? Sorry i can't" Jungkook teases and immediately receives another slap on his hand, this time quite hardly to make him whine.

"See... I got strawberries... Our pup loves strawberries" Taehyung happily chirps while chewing on a strawberry.

Jungkook wipes the strawberry juice on his chin while chuckling at his adorable mate, "Don't blame it on our pup now"

The omega passes a sheepish smile while watching the alpha lovingly pat his cute round pregnant belly, it always makes him giggle in delight.

"Lets go back to the river side, shall we?" The alpha gently asks and the omega shyly complies.

The walk towards the river was peaceful until taehyung's eyes caught the glimpse of beautiful buttercups bloomed charmingly around a big maple tree.

The omega burst into giggles and broke their intertwined hand, hurriedly striding towards the pretty flowers which caught the alpha offgaurd and alert his senses in protectiveness.

"Huh wait... Tae?" He calls, eyes fluttering in bewilderment as he follows his excited mate in worry.

"Petal, please don't run" The alpha was literally dying in anxiousness whenever the omega bounces on his feet.

"Slow down love" His voice was irrelevant to the omega who was excitedly making grabby hands towards the luring flowers, looking extremely adorable.

The alpha sighs in complete relief when the omega seated himself on the grasses, softly touching the yellow petals of the buttercup. Giggling at the softness against his fingers, taehyung gaze at his alpha in pure elation.

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