Five: Stars

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The small drops of tears rolled down through his rosy cheeks like precious pearls

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The small drops of tears rolled down through his rosy cheeks like precious pearls.

It's been three days since his parents left this world--leaving the little soul all alone. Taehyung's small heart couldn't bear the pain of losing his only dear ones.

He still can feel his mother's kiss placed on his temple before leaving to the moonlight pack. The soft pat on his head by his father which resembled a blessing on him, still remained fresh in his body.

The black sky was beautifully sprinkled with dots of luminous stars. He used to point at each one of them with his eomma who would reward his cuteness with several kisses.

Small whimpers leave his lip, followed by the heavy sob as he sat alone in the dark night, in the garden of their pack house.

Tear-filled eyes staring up at the sky in expectation for some mercy-- to bring back his eomma and appa to embrace away his miseries.

His sobs interrupted in sniff as he looks back upon hearing footsteps, watching his kookie hyung standing depressingly.

"h-hyung" His dismal voice came out miserably.

Jungkook pursing his lips and opening his arms for his little one who rush upto him and crashes to his chest with a loud sob.

"Eomma... A-appa...i-i---m-miss t-them" His voice was broken with heavy pants, making the alpha boy to caress his hair gently.

"Its alright love, l-let it out" Jungkook squeezes his arms gently around the boy who cries out his painful heart.

It was too much for a ten year old kid to bear.

Just a hour passed with them in each other's warmth, jungkook holding the sniffing boy to his chest as the omega is now seated on his lap, head buried to the alpha's neck.

Jungkook's teary eyes gaze up at the shining sky, smiling softly as he places a kiss on the boy's brunette hair.

"Do you see that shining star?" His deep voice taking the sniveling boy's attention as he gaze up at where his hyung is pointing.

"That brightest star" Jungkook says and taehyung faintly nods, eyes glued on the big dotted star among the less glowing ones.

"Eemo used to tell me that the star which shine brightest in the sky is my eomma" He pauses to wipe the tears of the little omega, "Eomma is shining bright to get noticed by me... To know that she's there with me, always"

Taehyung bites his quivering lips, gazing at jungkook with big doe teary eyes as he listens carefully, "And you see that star... That is eemo"

Jungkook smiles gently, "Glowing beautifully for us"

"She never left us tae..." Jungkook pauses and holds the sapphire pendant on taehyung's neck, mumbling, "She's with us"

"She is with us" Taehyung whispers with a tear coursing down from his eyes.

That night, the fourteen year old boy vowed to make them pay who snatched his eemo from him.

---he promised the brightening star that he'll always there with his taehyung.

Always is what he promised!



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