Fourteen: Gardenia

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Days passed by swiftly with things turning awfully dull between jungkook and taehyung

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Days passed by swiftly with things turning awfully dull between jungkook and taehyung.

The omega found himself lonely most of the times as jungkook spend only least moments with him---that too in the night for having their cuddling sleep.

Taehyung was upset and also whined for the alpha's attention who would just slide it away with a small peck on his cheek.

Jungkook was feeling distressed, his wolf stopped communicating with him in dejection of knowing his chosen omega is ready to find another mate. Moreover, jungkook distancing himself from taehyung was unbearable for his pureblood wolf.

But he has to-- taehyung sees him as his hyung and he can't force him to change it. Jungkook now even feels guilty of the intimate moments he spend with the omega who doesn't even know what it was, he did all if it in assurance and pride that taehyung is already his without even knowing the omega's thoughts.

Now that it is clear that taehyung sees him as his hyung, he can't anything more to change it in his dejection.

He felt like he used taehyung---and this was literally killing him from insides.

To avoid creating more regrets, jungkook stopped kissing taehyung on his lips and also touching him intimately.

Though the omega always initiates kisses, he forces not to take it too far than a normal pressing of lips. And this was making taehyung more sullen.

The rumours of the son of pack alpha distancing himself from the most beautiful omega spread like fire through the pack.

It was enough to give high hopes to many alphas who had their eyes on taehyung.

Taehyung sighs for the nth time, hands carelessly playing with the clear water as he's seated in the banks of the beautiful river.

The gardenia flowers were laying beautifully on his lap, swirling its pleasant smell around him which didn't please him as always.

He missed his kookie hyung.

He missed those fun moments and soothing touches from his kookie hyung who no longer pays his attention on him.

It sometimes made him tear up in sadness---his omega wolf was longing for the alpha.

"Taehyung?" A unfamiliar voice snaps him out of his dismal thoughts.

Turning around, he sees an alpha standing with a bouquet of roses, smiling at him kindly.

He recognizes the alpha and smiles politely while standing up, "hello lee hyung"

The alpha just smiles at his sweet voice, inhaling the creamy fresh vanilla scent oozing out of the omega---it pleased his senses.

"Here, this is for you" The alpha extends the roses to him with a genial smile.

Taehyung hesitates for a moment, remembering his kookie hyung's words to not accept any gifts from alphas. But how can he say no, it would be so rude and hurtful for the kind alpha. So he slowly takes it with a sad smile.

"thank you" The omega lowly mumbles back politely.

"Uhm... I always wanted to t-talk to you...but never really got a chance" His voice trembled a bit in nervousness while taehyung tilted his head in confusion.

The alpha, lee soohyuk always had his longing desire to have the angelic omega but never got a opportunity as he was claimed by the next alpha of the pack. This always irked him but now that he got the chance to at least give a try, he wouldn't let it go.

"Can i confess something to you taehyung?" The alpha asks with a steady voice.

Taehyung's eyes downcast, not understanding the meaning of this conversation, nevertheless nods his head.

Lee smiles and utters, "I really like you"

Still, taehyung doesn't understand the deep meanings behind those words. It is normal to like someone, whats there so special to confess it?

Soohyuk frowned as he didn't get any evident reaction from the omega. Sighing, he stutters out, "And... uh... I would like to have you as my mate"

This took taehyung aback, slightly eyes widened as he stare at the alpha in stun and gapes, "Mate?"

Lee nods his head eagerly, "will you be my mate taehyung?"

Taehyung blinks his eyes, pondering hard as he understands that he's receiving a proposal from the alpha to be his mate, just like jimin said.

Now all he has to know is will the alpha is good to be chosen as his mate. He shots a glance at the alpha, he doesn't seem bad. He's quite handsome and have a kind smile, gifts him flowers and also speaks gently. Still he has to give a thought of what his mother once told him about the mate.

"Will you make me happy and safe?" He asks innocently.

The alpha beams at his question, "Of course, i will always protect my omega"

Taehyung was satisfied, the alpha accepted to make him happy and safe. So he is the one.

"Yes!" He lets out with a bright grin, stunning the alpha as he didn't expect it, not this soon.

"Really?" Taehyung nods his head several times, happy that he found himself a mate like every others.

"Thank you" The alpha's voice was filled with utter joy as he steps forward and embraces the short omega. "Thank you so much taehyung."

The smile he had this long slowly faded away as the unfamiliar touch from a alpha felt like burning to his skin.

It didn't felt nice and comfortable like he feels with his kookie hyung.

Somewhere he was neglecting his omega wolf which howled in sorrow.



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