Thirteen: Ache

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A soft sigh leaves from brunette as he pouts his lips, nuzzling to the alpha's neck more to bath in his calming earthy scent

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A soft sigh leaves from brunette as he pouts his lips, nuzzling to the alpha's neck more to bath in his calming earthy scent.

The alpha just smiles and lets his fingers stroke the brunette hair of the omega softly while his eyes are fixed on the documents, writing down the important matters that his father instructed him to do.

Jungkook just couldn't let taehyung sit in boredom and instead asked the small omega to cuddle with him in his lap while he works on his duties.

Taehyung's pout deepens as he tangle his mind with his best friend, jimin's words.

"You found yourself a mate?" Taehyung's words spill out in stun.

"Mate? Oh i forgot boyfriend is called mate in your wolf language" Jimin giggles at his friend.

The omega whines at the tease, "Jiminie~"

Jimin sighs and admits, "Yes, i have a boyfriend"

"Who?" Taehyung curiously asks, eyes sparkling in excitement.

Jimin lets out the sounds of heart thumping from his mouth, creating a dramatic suspence which makes taehyung roll his eyes.

"YOONGI~" Jimin sing songs happily.

While taehyung's eyes widen comically,

Jimin nods his head frantically, squealing in delight while taehyung puzzles up his mind, "But yoongi is our friend"

"Uh huh not our...but your friend. For me he's my hot boyfriend" Jimin giggles dreamily.

Taehyung tilts his head, pondering it over his mind as he finally understands,
"Oh! So you changed your relationship like noona."

Jimin blinks, "Huh?"

Taehyung grins, embracing the human warmly, "I'm happy for you jiminie"

Jimin giggles at the adorable omega and hugs him back warmly.

Spending some time with each other, jimin sharing the adorable moments he had with yoongi was entertaining and amusing for the innocent omega.

"Uhm... How did you chose your mate?" Taehyung asks hesitantly.

"Chose? Uhm... It just happened. We confessed that we love each other, that's it." Jimin casually mumbles.

"B-but... Isn't there a-any process...or something?" Taehyung lowly murmurs, embarrassed that he doesn't know such things.

"No, you'll just know it when you feel special around them..." Jimin pauses and smiles, "Its so simple to fall in love taetae"

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