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[The End]


A religious man stood outside the hotel with a handful of pamphlets. He addressed a passerby as the Impala drove up.

"Hi," the religious man greeted. "Good evening, brother. Is your soul rapture-ready?" The passerby ignored him. "Thank you, sir. God bless."

The religious man addressed two people passing while the Impala stopped in front of the hotel. "Good evening, folks. Is your soul rapture-ready? Because what I'd like to do is just show you exactly what God's love is for you." The two people ignored him. "Okay. God bless."

Dean, Haven and Sitka got out of the Impala and headed for the hotel.

The religious man addressed them. "Excuse me, friends, but have you two taken time out to think about God's plan for you both?"

Dean stopped and looked at him. "Too friggin' much, pal."

Haven stared at the religious man and deadpanned, "Yes. Save your speech."

Sitka glanced between Dean, Haven and the religious man before saying, "Have a good night."

Dean, Sitka and Haven entered the hotel and the religious man watched them go.


Dean, Sitka and Haven were on the phone with Castiel.

"We're talking about the Colt, right?" Dean asked. "I mean, as in the Colt?"

"We are," Castiel replied.

Haven frowned. "Well, that doesn't make any sense. I mean, why would the demons keep a gun around that, y'know, kills demons?"

A car went by Castiel. "What? What? Did I - I didn't - I didn't get that."

Dean laughed. "You know, it's kind of funny. Talking to a messenger of God on a cell phone. It's, you know, like watching Hell's Angel riding a moped."

"This isn't funny, Dean, Sitka, Haven. The voice says I'm almost out of minutes."

Dean sighed. "Okay, all right. We-We're telling you, Cas, the mooks have melted down the gun by now."

"Well, I hear differently. And if it's true and if you two are still set on the insane task of killing the Devil, this is how we do it."

"Okay," Dean agreed. "Where do we start?"

"Where are you two now?"

"Kansas City," Sitka answered, leaning across Haven and the bed to grab their room key off the bedside table. "Century Hotel, room 113."

"I'll be there immediately."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Dean protested. "No, no, come on, man. We just drove 16 hours straight. We're human. Mostly. And there's stuff we got to do."

"What stuff?"

"Eat, for example. In this case, sleep. We just need like four hours once in a while, okay?"


"Okay, so, you can pop in tomorrow morning."

"Yes. I'll just-" Dean hung up and Castiel heard the dial tone, "- wait here, then."

Castiel stood at the side of the road.


Dean, Sitka and Haven were in bed. Dean's phone vibrated and he answered.

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