[The Born-Again Identity]


A figure ran down a railway track. They left the track and bumped into a man walking alongside it.

"Hey! Dick!" the man yelled.

The person running turned. Sam started running again, went through a gat, and walked along a heavily-graffitied alleyway. A woman was buying drugs from a dealer. The woman left and Sam walked closer to the dealer.

"Dude," the dealer said. "Get the hell away from me."

Sam rubbed a hand over his face, looking exhausted.

The dealer spoke again. "You speak friggin' English?"

"It's okay," Sam replied. "No one's after me."

"Why are you running up in here like that?"

"Just... Just leave me alone." He slid down to the ground with his back against a post.

"What the hell did you take, anyway?"


"Shut up."

"No, he's telling the truth," Hallucifer said. "Burned through that last beer hours ago. Right about the time Dean and Sitka passed out. Come on, Sam. Tell the nice tweaker. You'd be sleeping by now if the devil would just leave you alone for five seconds. Stupid Satan. Chasing you all the way to... Where the hell are we?"

Sam held his face in his hands. "Gah! I just need some rest."

"Hey. Sam. Try the hand scar."


"How many days have you been up, anyway?" the dealer asked.

"Four," Hallucifer replied. "Oh. Wait." He looked at his watch. "Scratch that. Five."

Sam got to his feet and started walking away.

"Hey, hold up!" the dealer called. "Wait! Hold up!" Sam turned. "You can't to knock out? I can knock you out."

Sam and the dealer were asleep in the front seats of a car. Something shattered the windshield, spraying glass over Sam and he got out. A bar was protruding through the shattered windshield, but when Sam looked again, the windshield was intact.

Hallucifer appeared behind Sam while singing and making hand motions. "Good morning to you, good morning to you..." Sam walked away, "...our day is beginning, so good morning to you." He called after Sam. "I thought you liked my singing!"

Hallucifer walked just behind Sam who was breathing heavily and rapidly as Hallucifer spoke. "Pills? You do get that you're just bringing free drugs to the party, right? I am inside you, Sam. Hey. Sam. What's the longest a normal human being has ever gone without sleep? 11 days." He chuckled. "Hey. You always wanted to be normal, Sam!"

Sam ran away from Hallucifer.

"If you are, you'll be dead in a week!" Hallucifer yelled.

Sam ran in front of a car, which hit him and sent him up onto the windshield, over the car and to the ground.


A doctor was working at his desk. Dean opened the door and entered, followed by a nurse, Haven and Sitka.

"Okay, sirs, miss? You can't just barge in here without an appointment!" the nurse told the three.

"They said, "Talk to Kadinsky." You Kadinsky?" Dean asked.

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