[The Man Who Knew Too Much]


Sam was running from cops. There were sirens and a police car came around the corner. Sam ran to a door and tried to open it, but it was locked. He kicked the gate open and hid behind a wall as the police car passed. The car drove slowly past a Castle Storage sign - John Winchester's lock-up - which Sam didn't notice. When it was gone, he walked quickly to a door labeled Delivery Entrance Only. He entered and closed the door behind him.


Sam entered the bar. A young woman, Robin, was cleaning the bar.

"Hey, we're closed," Robin told him.

"Just uh, just give me a second," Sam replied, going to the window.

"So pal, we - we open at noon."

"Look, you don't understand."

Outside, the cop car passed again and Sam moved away from the window.

"Okay, I-I think I understand just fine. Look I-I don't need this kind of hassle. So seriously, just get the hell out."

"Please. Please, just give me a minute to think, that's all. Then I'm out of your hair." Under the counter, Robin picked up a baseball bat. "One minute. Please." Sam caught his breath.

Robin sighed and put the bat down. "What's your name?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean I don't remember. I don't remember anything."

Robin opened a drink and gave it to Sam. "Come on, you're dickin' with me. Nothing?"

"I'm telling you. Blank slate." He drank.

"Well, you got a wallet? ID?"

"I wish I did."

"Okay, well what's the last thing you remember?"

Sam shook his head. "Um, I woke up on a park bench, cops shoving a flashlight in my face, trying to take me in."

"So you ran."

"No, I, um, I knocked 'em out cold. Both of 'em. No, look, I-I didn't mean to. It just happened really fast, you know I-I think instinct or something, I guess."

"Some instinct."

"Yeah, tell me about it. I mean, who even knows how to do something like that?"

"We'll get you to the ER. The - the quacks will hash it out."


"Try "yeah". Look the-the bats have flown the belfry, you need to see a doctor."

"No." He got up. "I don't have time."

"Time for what?"

Sam sighed, "Look, it's hard to explain, I just feel like I-I have to be somewhere. There's something I gotta stop."

"Oh, like a wedding? A train?"

"No, something important. Something like life or death, like-"

"Okay, hey, hey, hey. Just relax, you know, you - you can't poop it out, so just... It'll come to you."

Sam nodded. He noticed something and walked to a bookshelf. He picked up a book - The Haunter of the Dark by H.P. Lovecraft.

"What is it?" Robin asked and Sam showed her the title. "You a horror fan?"

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