


Sam and Samuel exited a large building on the docks.

"You okay?" Samuel asked.

"Yeah," Sam replied.

"How's the arm?"

"It'll hold till we get out of town."

"Just don't bleed out, all right?"

"Yeah, well, that's the plan."

Sam and Samuel were in a van.

Lights appeared behind them.

"Cop," Samuel informed as Deputy Atkins approached the van. "Evening, Deputy."

Deputy Atkins said, "Agent Roark, Agent Wynand, mind stepping out of the van a moment?"

Sam and Samuel exited the van.

"We're just on our way to the office," Samuel replied. "Everything okay?"

"No," Deputy Atkins said. "I can't get Sheriff Dobbs on the phone. I can't get anyone!"

"We spoke to Dobbs earlier. Maybe he's just, uh—"

Deputy Atkins noticed Sam's bloody sleeve. "Is that blood?"

"Hey, look, there's no need to get riled."

"You're coming with me."

"All right. We'll follow you back."

"I don't think so. Get in my car, or you're under arrest."

"You're gonna arrest two federal agents?" Sam said. "Really?" He laughed. "Have a good night." He turned away.

"If you think—"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, just hold—" Samuel cut off as Sam beat Deputy Atkins bloody, until he was unconscious. "You think there were maybe calmer ways we could have done all that?"

"Do we care?" Sam shot back. "Let's go."



Sam was listening to the television news program intently.

"Sources said prosecutors were getting closer to a decision on whether to charge the actor. But they adamantly denied that any prosecution was in any..."

"What are you watching?" Dean asked.

"Just trying to catch up," Sam replied. "So... Mel Gibson really took a turn this past year, huh?"

"Or he's possessed. Seriously, think about it. So, I just got off the blower with Bobby."

"Oh, yeah? You got anything else on this, uh, 'Mother of All' thing?"

"Uh, no, nothing solid. He says it's quiet."

Sam's cell phone dinged, announcing a new text. "Quiet like quiet or quiet like too quiet?"

Haven tilted her head as she stepped out from the bathroom with a towel in her hands. "When is it ever just quiet?"

"Right." Sam checked his cell phone and saw he had received a text message of coordinates. "Hmm."

"What? What are these, coordinates?" Dean questioned. "Who's it from?"

"I have no idea." Sam looked the coordinates up on a map.

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