[Live Free or Twihard]


Dean stood in front of the Impala talking to Lisa on the phone. "Hey -- so, uh, I'm actually not far. I'm about a night's drive."

"Yeah?" Lisa asked hopefully. "So, ya think...?"

"Well, there's some stuff I gotta do here first."

"Of course."

"But I was thinkin' that, uh, I'll wrap up here, and, y'know, make sure I'm not followed... I'll have to take side streets, and I'd have to come at night-"

Lisa happily interrupted him. "Will you just shut up and get your ass home? I can't wait to see you. This thing's getting old."

Dean smiled. "Yeah."

"Well, call us when you're close." She paused. "And be careful."

"'Course." He hung up as Sam, Sitka and Haven approached. "Hey."

"What're you so stoked about?" Sam asked.

"What? Nothin'. Whaddya got?"

Sam handed over a pile of Missing Persons fliers which Dean leafed through. "Six girls in seven days, which is more disappearances than this city has seen in over a year -- all about the same age."

"And cute." Sam scoffed. "Hey, ice cream comes in lots of flavors, Sam."

"Right. Sure. Well, half a dozen girls, late teens, a shower away from greatness. Sounds like a profile. I mean, what else they got in common?"

"Well... six directions to go here. Pick a number."

"Seven," Haven said. "Another call just came in today."

They got into the Impala and drove down the road.


Sam, Dean, Sitka and Haven were speaking to Kristin's father.

"Kristin's a good kid," the father said. "A little naïve, sure... You try to be a good parent. Girls are hard."

"Right," Sam noted. "Well, we'd just like to find your daughter."

Kristin's father paused. "Last door on the left."

Dean and Sitka glanced upstairs. "Thanks."

Sam, Dean, Sitka and Haven climbed the stairs and Sam gave a quick glance back to the father.

"Whaddya think he was talking about?" Dean asked quietly.

"Drugs?" Sam guessed quietly.

Haven shrugged. "Could be anything."

Dean also shrugged. They entered Kristin's room and Sitka flipped on the light. The walls were painted red and covered with vampire posters. Vampire and gothic accessories were everywhere -- including vampire pillows on the bed.

"Oh, it is SO much worse," Dean commented.

Haven looked around and nodded. "It's -- I don't even have a word for it."

Sam snorted. "Vampires?"

Sitka's lip curled. "Ah, these aren't vampires, dude, these..." Sam shut the door and they caught sight of a full-sized cut-out of a teen heart-throb "vampire". "...These are douchebags."


They glanced around the room.

"Wow," Dean and Haven commented.

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