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[In the Beginning]

Dean and Haven were asleep. Sam paused and looked at them before leaving the room. He hoped Haven wouldn't get any predictions about him, as he wanted to keep what he was doing on the down low.

Dean woke from his hellish nightmares and saw Castiel sitting on his bed.

"Hello, Dean," Castiel greeted. "What were you dreaming about?"

Dean narrowed his eyes. "What, do you get your freak on by watching other people sleep? What do you want?"

"Listen to me. You have to stop it."

"Stop what?"

Castiel put two fingers to Dean's forehead and two to Haven's.

Dean was sleeping on a bunch and a police officer tapped the bench. "Move it, buddy -- you can't sleep here."

Dean frowned. "Okay... sleep... where?"

"Anywhere but here."

Dean tried making a call on his cell, but got no signal. "Perfect."

He stood and entered Jay Bird's Diner. He noticed Haven sitting with a space between a man.

Dean sat between Haven and the young man and asked, "Hey, where the hell am I?"

"Jay Bird's Diner," the young man replied. "Miss, is this your boyfriend?"

Haven nodded. "You okay, sweetie?"

Dean smiled, playing along. "I am." He turned to the young man. "Yeah, thanks. I mean, uh... city and state."

"Lawrence, Kansas," the young man answered.


The young man glanced at Dean's expression. "Hey, you okay buddy?"

"Yeah, tough night."

"Hey, uh, coffee here, Reg. One for the lady as well."

Reg nodded. "Okay, coming right up."

Dean pulled his cell phone from his pocket. "Can you tell me where I can get reception on this thing?"

The young man stared at the phone. "The USS Enterprise?"

Dean looked at Reg as he brought two coffees over. Reg was wearing 1970s hippie garb. "Thanks... nice threads. You know Sonny and Cher broke up, right?"

"Sonny and Cher broke up?"

Haven swatted Dean's leg at his comment. The two of them looked around the diner, seeing everyone dressed in 1970s-style clothing.

Dean glanced at the newspaper the young man was reading. The headline read, "Nixon accepts resignation of top..." the date was Monday, April 30, 1973.

Dean and Haven exchanged a look and mouthed, "Seventy-three."

A man entered the diner. "Hey, Winchester."

Dean and the young man looked around and the man shook the hand of the young man.

"Son of a bitch," the man said. "How you doing, Corporal?"

"Hey, Mr. D," the young man replied.

"I heard you were back."

"Yeah, a little while now."

"Good to have you home, John, damn good."

"Dad?" Dean questioned softly.

"Well, say hello to your old man for me."

John nodded. "You got it, Mr. D." He noticed Dean staring. "Do we know each other?"

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