[Let it Bleed]


Dean sat with a book, not reading it. Sam and Sitka sat at the table, both leafing through a book. Haven had gone off to fetch some supplies.

"Well, you know what, at least you tried," Sam said.

"Yeah, fat load of good it did," Dean replied. "Why did he even come, right?" Sam shrugged and sighed as Dean slammed his book shut. "Well, Samuel's journals are pointless. I mean, I'm sorry, but uh, Jebediah and Annabelle Campbell have squat to tell us about how to stop Cas from cracking Purgatory."

Bobby walked in, carrying a large envelope. "Well, actually, it's not about the journals we have, it's about the one we don't."

"Meaning what?" Sam asked.

"Well, that's the bad news. Our pal Cas didn't stop in last night to just mend fences."

"What did he do?" Dean questioned.

"Stole something."


"The journal of Moishe Campbell."

"Moishe?" Sam repeated.

"Of the New York Campbells."

"Well, uh, so we gotta get it back, right?"

Bobby held up the envelope and handed it to Sam. "Or just read the copy I'd already made. Hi, glad to meet you. Bobby Singer. Paranoid bastard."

Bobby read pages of the journal. Dean walked in carrying two mugs. Sitka walked in carrying a mug of his own. Sam sat at a desk with another book. Outside, a train whistled.

"I think I zeroed in on something," Bobby said.

"What do you got?" Dean and Sitka inquired.

Bobby handed him the page. Dean walked towards Sam, reading from the journal. ""Went to talk to Howard Phillips about the events of March 10th."" Dean handed Sam a mug and sat on the desk.

"That's March 10th, 1937," Bobby informed.

"All right. So who's this Phillips guy?"

"Phillips ain't his last name. It's Lovecraft."

"Wait, H.P. Lovecraft?" Sam replied as Bobby nodded. "Let me see that." Dean gave him the paper.

"Am I supposed to know who that is?" Dean wondered.

Bobby looked surprised that Dean didn't know. "Horror writer. At the Mountains of Madness, The Call of Cthulhu?"

"Yeah, it's - no, I'm - I was too busy having sex with women."

Bobby rolled his eyes. "Well, anyhow. There's one notion that comes up over and over again in his stories. Namely opening doors to other dimensions and letting scary crap through."

"You don't say."

"Wait, so you're saying you think Lovecraft knew something about Purgatory?" Sam asked.

"All I know is Moishe payed him a visit," Bobby replied.

Sitka glanced around. "Where the hell is Haven? She should be back by now."


Haven stopped to get pie for Dean before returning home. She exited the convenience store, grocery bag in hand.

She sensed someone behind her and turned to see a man. "Get away."

The man's eyes flicked black. "Sure thing."

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