[Caged Heat]


The alpha shapeshifter, looking like Crowley, was chained to a chair and being interrogated by the demon.

"I told you," the alpha shapeshifter said. "I don't know anything about-"

Crowley cut him off. "Sorry. But your exceptional good looks aren't gonna buy you any mercy. I suggest you talk. What should we use next? Speculum? Or something more exotic?"

"Look, it's Purgatory. All I know is I go there when I die. It's not like I can draw you a map."

"I happen to know you can."

"You're wrong."

"My sources are unimpeachable. You're the father of your entire species. You're really not pulling off this dumb-blonde act. I hope you appreciate how much effort I've gone to find something that can actually hurt you. My tinkering has cost several lesser shifters their lives." He held up a knife. "Iridium. Rarer than hell. Would've been cheaper to drop a castle on you, but I think we can all agree - worth it. So, you start talking or I start chopping off all the bits that stick out."

"You go ahead, mate, see if it makes me-"

Crowley stabbed him in the shoulder with the knife. "What was that? Purgatory's where?" The shapeshifter spit blood in his face. "What is it with you animals? Did I tell you? This prison has a nursery." He held up a baby monitor and babies were heard crying. "All yours. I know how much you care about them. You've spent months gathering them to your bosom. Not so cocky now, are we? Finding Purgatory is more important to me.You have five seconds to tell me where it is. After that I'll filet them in front of you. Toss their spines in your lap. Four. Three. Two."

"Kill 'em all. We'll make more."

Crowley put down the baby monitor, took up a machete, and beheaded the shapeshifter. "Guess I kinda lost my head."


Sam, Dean, Haven and Sitka drove up in the Impala to where a couple demons were waiting in front of a black SUV. They were bringing a prisoner.

"You're late," a demon said.

"Traffic was a bitch," Dean replied.

"One rugaru," Sam informed.

"Where's Crowley?" Haven demanded.

"Banging a hooker in a sweet spot called None Of Your Business," the demon retorted.

"Oh, look at that, guys," Sitka said. "Demon trying to be funny."

"Oh, is that what just happened?" Sam questioned.

"Night girls," the demon said.

"Wait, wait," Dean called. "Hold up, hold up. Are we ever gonna see Crowley again or is he just gonna keep sending his demon extras to pick up his laundry?"

"I'm sorry. I know you're speaking, I see your lips are moving, but I can't understand what you're saying 'cause I don't speak Little Bitch."

The demons got in their car and drove off.

Haven sighed and looked between the boys. "Remember when we used to kill demons?"


Sam, Dean, Haven and Sitka returned to their current base, a run-down house they were squatting in.

"No man, screw it, I'm done," Dean said.

"Me too," Haven and Sitka agreed.

"Calm down," Sam told them.

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