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[Fallen Idols]


The lights flicked on and two men, Jim and Cal, entered.

"All right, buddy, what's so important you couldn't tell me over the phone?" Jim asked.

"Trust me, Jim. It's important," Cal replied as he led Jim over to a car covered in a sheet. He stopped, looking to Jim in excitement.

"Wait a minute, you're not... you're not telling me that this is—"


"You found it?"

Cal pulled the sheet off the car, revealing a silver convertible Porsche, labeled "Little Bastard". Jim sighed and chuckled in awe.

Jim shook his head. "You found it. Huh."

Cal folded up the sheet and tossed it aside as Jim inspected the car closer and said, "Oh my God! You sure?"

"VIN numbers match," Cal replied.

"How much you pay?"

"A lot."

"Come on, how much?"

Cal chuckled. "A lot."

"I bet. Wow." Jim whistled. Cal opened the door and got into the driver's seat.

"Wow. You start her up yet?" Jim wondered.

"Been waiting for you," Cal told him.

"Yeah, waiting to rub my nose in it, right?"

"Exactly." He put his hand on the ignition key.

"Whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait. We need to record this for posterity's sake."

"Great idea."

"Yeah, great idea." Jim chuckled. "Oh, man."

Jim hurried off back into the house. Cal's face dropped when he breathed out and noticed his breath condense in front of him. Suddenly, the car's radio flicked on of its own volition and jumped rapidly through the stations. Cal tried to correct it with the knobs, but it didn't work. In the house, Jim found a video camera and adjusted the settings. He heard tires screeching in the garage, then glass breaking.

"Cal? Cal?" Jim called as he walked back into the garage, video camera held up, recording, but the car was blocked by some shelves. "Hey, you all right, man? I thought I heard something. Cal? Is something wrong?"

He walked around to the front of the car, still recording, then stopped dead and lowered the camera.

"Oh my God, Cal," Jim said.

The windshield, coated in Cal's blood, was embedded halfway through his skull.

Jim screamed and yelled, "Cal!"

Cal's blood ran down the hood and dripped onto the Porsche insignia and "Little Bastard" decal.


The Impala drove along an empty road.


"So—" Sam chuckled, "—what's with this job?"

"Dude suffers a head-on collision in a parked car?" Dean replied. "I'd say that's worth checking out."

"Yeah, definitely, uh, but, uh, we got bigger problems, don't you think?"

"I'm sure the apocalypse'll still be there when we get back."

There was a pause before Sam said, "Right, yeah, but I mean, if—if the Colt is really out there somewhere—"

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