[Mannequin 3: The Reckoning]


Sam was unconscious on the floor, Dean shook him while Haven and Sitka knelt next to him.

"Sam?" Dean called. "Sam. S-sam? Oh, come on." Dean shook Sam more forcefully. "Sammy! Come on, come on. Come on, damn it."

Sam's eyes opened. Hellfire flickered in them and then faded out. He groaned and exhaled sharply.

"Hey, hey, hey, you with us?"

Sam breathed deeply and groaned.

Dean hauled Sam off the floor. "Come on. Come on, got to get you out of here."

Sam grunted.


As a janitor mopped the floor, he heard a noise from behind him, then saw blood dripping on the floor by his mop. The blood was coming from a cut that his appeared on his forehead.

"What the..." the janitor began and as he exhaled he saw his breath. "Who's there?!" the janitor ran and screamed as he was attacked by an anatomy dummy.


Sam groaned lightly while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"How you feel?" Dean asked.

"Like I got hit by a... planet," Sam replied.

"Well, lucky for you, I'm a doctor. I got joe, grub, and..." He held up and shook a container of pills.

"What are they?"


"I'm okay. Thanks."

"Suit yourself."

Sam exhaled sharply. "So, how long was I out, again?"

"I'm telling you, like two or three minutes. Why, what'd it feel like to you?"

"About a week, give or take."

"You want to talk about it?"


"Yeah, whatever that was. I mean, it was like you were freakin' electrocuted."

"Look, I mean, it wasn't fun, but I-I'm... Fine."

"Fine. It was Hell, wasn't it? You got a big, fat faceful of hell. Ever cross your mind that you could've died?"

"Oh, come on."

"I'm serious. And none of this "it's just a flesh wound" crap. 'cause we did it your way. We let you go explore, and every bad thing that I said would happen happened. So guess what -- Past stays past. We're not kicking that wall again."

"So I'm supposed to just ignore it?"


"Dean, Haven, Sitka... I might've done... who knows what, and you want me to just forget about it?"

"You shove it down, and you let it come out in spurts of violence and alcoholism."

"That sounds healthy," Sam and Sitka commented sarcastically while Haven sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Well, works for me."

Sam sighed.

Haven glanced at the younger Winchester. "It's not a joke. Your life is on the line here, Sam. I keep seeing your life flashing before my eyes and yet you're still sitting in front of me. This is not a debate."

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