[Hello, Cruel World]


"Bobby?" Dean and Sitka called.

Bobby sat up, helped by Haven.

Dean turned to Leviathan!Castiel. "How many of you ass-clowns are in there? A hundred? More?" Leviathan!Castiel was dripping black fluid. "Your vessel's gonna explode, ain't it? Wouldn't do anything too strenuous. In fact, I'd call it a day, head on home, huh?"

"We'll be back. For you," Leviathan!Castiel said.

"Well, this is a new one," Bobby muttered.

Sam's hallucination of Lucifer, Hallucifer, was holding Sam against a wall with a hand around his neck.

"You're not real," Sam said.

"Right," Hallucifer replied. "You think this fruit-bat fever dream is reality? You come back, I'm sorry, with no soul like some peppy American Psycho, till Saint Dean glues you back together again by buying you some magic amnesia. You're real. I'm very real. Everything between is what we call set dressing."


"You're still in my cell. You're my bunkmate, buddy. You're my little bitch, in every sense of the term. Sam. Sam."

"Sam!" Dean, Haven and Sitka called.

"You hearing us?" Dean asked, as he put a hand against Sam's chest. "Whoa. Look at me. Hey. All right, we got to button this up. Come on, let's get out of here. Come on."


Leviathan!Castiel walked into a water reservoir. As Dean, Sam, Bobby, Haven and Sitka watched, he went under. A whirlpool appeared and black liquid radiated out from it, then disappeared.

"Aw, hell," Bobby and Sitka muttered.

A sign at the edge of the reservoir read 'Public Water Supply. No Swimming. No Fishing. No Boating.'

"Damn it," Dean said.

Bobby glanced at him. "You said it. Those... whatever you call 'ems..."

"Leviathan," Sam and Haven clarified.

"Right. If they're in the pipes, they got themselves a highway to anywhere."

"Awesome," Dean muttered.

Dean picked up Castiel's trench coat, which had floated to the edge of the reservoir. "Okay. So he's gone."

"Yeah," Bobby said. "Rest in peace. If that's in the cards."

Dean folded the trench coat and looked down at it sadly before saying, "Dumb son of a bitch."

"Well, he was friends with us, wasn't he? Can't get much dumber than that. Come on, those things will be coming up for air soon."

Haven tilted her head and frowned as she saw something that confused her. He was gone. Right? She held her head, seeing something else and relaxed slightly. Scary, but all would be well.


Teenage girls in bikini tops were washing cars, a woman filled a pitch of water in her kitchen, and a young girl drank from a fountain in a park. The water coming from the fountain turned black and the girl was possessed. A man fixing a car in his garage was hit by black liquid after investigating why the sink was rattling.


Sam was asleep on the couch.

"Hey," Hallucifer greeted. "Wake up, sunshine. Up and at 'em, atom man."

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