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Dean opened the door to reveal Sam walking a man towards the door. Sam froze as Dean glared at him and Haven looked at him warily.

"So... Anything you wanna tell us, Sam?" Dean asked venomously, walking closer to Sam.

A look of innocence crossed Sam's face and Ruby stood behind Sam, watching the newcomers. Haven turned slightly so she wouldn't have to see Ruby's face.

"Dean, hold on, okay?" Sam said. "Just let me--"

Dean cut him off. "You gonna say, "let me explain"? You're gonna explain this? How about this? Why don't you start with who she is, and what the hell is she doing here?"

Dean's gaze hardened and Sam turned back, looking at Ruby who looked calm.

Ruby smiled. "It's good to see you again, Dean." She turned to Haven. "I haven't seen a Seer in a long, long time."

"Ruby?" Dean questioned, earning another smile from Ruby before he looked at his brother. "Is that Ruby?"

Sam didn't answer and Dean looked at Ruby, who was still smiling, again. A moment passed and Dean grabbed hold of her and shoved her up against the wall. He pulled out her knife.

As he was about to strike, Sam grabbed his hand and cried, "Don't!"

They struggled for the knife. Sam got it from Dean's hands just as Dean threw up against the wall. Ruby grabbed Dean and pinned him against the same wall.

"Ruby! Stop it!" Sam yelled.

She stared into Dean's eyes as she kept a chokehold with her right hand and he stared back, angry. She let go and Dean rose to his full height. Haven stood in front of him, as though she thought protecting him would do something. Dean looked at Sam, behind at Haven, and back to Ruby.

"Well, aren't you an obedient little bitch," Dean said.

Ruby didn't respond, but made it clear she wanted to attack him again.

"Ruby," Sam called.

She stared at Dean for a few moments, then looked back at Sam who said, "Ruby, he's hurt."

Sam indicated to the previously possessed man. "Go."

Ruby gave Dean another look and eyed Haven nervously before turning and walking to the man. Dean watched Ruby as she put the man's arm over to her shoulder, ready to leave with him.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Dean demanded.

"The ER... unless you want to go another round first," Ruby shot back.

Dean said nothing and she walked out with the man. Dean turned to look at Sam, who was watching him.

"Dean," Sam said.

Dean walked to the door he'd entered through, leaving Sam behind.


Haven turned to Sam. "You're headed down a dark, dark path, and I don't like what I'm seeing. Stop now, or someone will."

She followed Dean outside and asked, "Mind if I join?"

Dean sighed. "Yeah. Come on."

After a moment, he glanced at her. "What are your freaky visions showing you?"

Haven didn't say anything. When she was younger, she'd been called a freak, among other things as a kid.

Dean frowned. "Haven? You okay?"

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