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[Lazarus Rising]

Haven Jones shot up from her bed and glanced at her clock. 3:33 a.m.

Two thoughts ran on repeat through her head as though they were on a busted record.

Dean Winchester has been saved.

The end is near. Find them. Find Sam and Dean Winchester.

Haven instantly threw on a red and black plaid shirt, leggings, and combat boots. She hastily packed a bag of some essentials such as food and instant coffee.

Ten minutes later, she was on the road.

Dean Winchester has been saved. The end is near. Find them. Find Sam and Dean Winchester.

A location crossed her mind.

Pontiac, Illinois.

Haven picked up her speed and drove to Pontiac.

She parked next to a black '67 Chevy Impala and walked inside the Astoria Motel.

Haven walked up to the front desk. "Hi. I'm looking for a man named Sam? I'm hoping that name rings a bell."

"Who's asking?" The clerk asked.

"His sister," Haven lied smoothly. "Look, my big brother just up and left and I want to make sure he's okay."

"Room 207. Good luck, Miss."


Haven made her way to room 207 just as a brunette woman left.

She stared after the brunette woman, an unsettling feeling bubbling in the pit of her stomach.

"Hey!" Dean called gruffly. "Who the hell are you?!"

Haven turned to the three men. "Are you Sam and Dean Winchester?"

"Yeah. Who's askin'?"

"You're in danger."

Dean scoffed. "Pretty sure I just got out of danger. I reiterate my question. Who the hell are you?"

Bobby turned to the newcomer. "Haven Jones?"

Haven smiled. "Bobby Singer. Well I'll be."

"You know her?" Sam asked.

Bobby nodded. "One of a few seers in the world. If she's here, something's wrong. Haven, did you have a prediction?"

"Yes," Haven replied. "I was told to find the Winchester brothers and tell them the end is near. While I know not what it means, I do know it's not good."

Dean frowned. "Then do you know who or what pulled me out of Hell?"

Haven shook her head. "Afraid not. I only see the future."

"Oh, well, that's just peachy."

Dean, Bobby and Haven sat on the couch.

Sam reentered the room and passed out three bottles of beer before sitting across from Dean.

"So what were you doing around here if you weren't digging me out of my grave?" Dean asked.

"Well, once I figured out I couldn't save you, I started hunting down Lilith, trying to get some payback," Sam replied.

"All by yourself," Bobby said accusingly. "Who do you think you are, your old man?"

Dean noticed something and frowned as he walked towards it.

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