[Repo Man]

Four Years Ago


A woman driving a station wagon pulled up behind the Impala, which was parked in a wooded area.

Coeur D'Alene, Idaho

The woman walked to the front door of a house. Sam opened it.

"Ms. Havelock, you shouldn't have come," Sam said.


Ms. Havelock entered and Sam closed the door behind her before she said, "I needed to see it for myself – after all that tracking, all those hours we spent. I mean, it's one thing to study them in books. It's..."

Dean was sharpening a knife. A possessed man with blood on his hands, arms and face was tied to a chair with leather cuffs.

"Do I smell menopause?" the possessed man asked.

Sam and Ms. Havelock were standing in the doorway.

"Well, if it isn't the Wiccan bitch of the west," the possessed man taunted. "Ms. Havelock, I know you're the one that helped them find me."

A woman, covered with a tablecloth, was on the kitchen table.

"My God..." Ms. Havelock began.

"Not in time to save our big girl here, but still, you get a merit badge."

The chair in which the possessed man was tied was in a devil's trap on the floor.

Ms. Havelock walked over to the possessed man and spoke close to his face. "They caught you, you son of a bitch! No more murders! And you're going back to Hell."

"Oh, Nora, Nora... I'm gonna scoop you out like a pumpkin. You know that?"

The possessed man's eyes turned black and he growled threateningly. Nora Havelock jumped back and left the room with a shriek. The possessed man laughed.

"Yeah, your, uh, scooping days are over, Gomer," Dean said. "All you got to worry about now... is us."

Sam watched from the window as Nora Havelock drove away.

Dean continued. "You ain't the first demon we've tracked down on this safari."

"That's right," Sam said. "As a matter of fact, I think you put us over half a dozen."

The possessed man said, "Looking for Lilith in all the wrong places."

"Well, you're gonna help us with that," Dean told him.

"If things are about to get messy, maybe you should meet the owner of this fleshy temple. A puppy of a man. You'll like him." He looked down, groaned and looked up with a grimace.

"Jeffrey? Jeffrey, is that you?" Sam asked as he crouched in front of Jeffrey.

Jeffrey saw the body of the woman on the table. "Oh God. No. You have to stop him."

"We will. We're going to, okay? We're gonna send that demon back to Hell."

"Okay. Please don't hurt me."

"Jeffrey, before we can let him go... Look, the demon knows where we can find more of his kind, okay?"

"See, we're hunting them – all of them," Dean explained. "He's not gonna give up his Rolodex easy. Jeffrey, we're gonna have to cut in to him. That means you."

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