Chapter 1 The Malfunction

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(This story is originally posted on Fanfiction)

"Kaiba what is this thing..." Joey piped up as Seto Kaiba one of the more recent inventors and designers of the new age tech thanks to his company. Earlier that week he had demanded that his rival Yugi Muto and Joey wheeler come and test his new invention. He claimed it would make duels across the world happen easier by basically making a mini transporter that would send you to their location.

"What do you think it is Wheeler? It's my latest invention." Kaiba oozing with cockiness and ego. Yugi blinked his amethyst colored eyes in interest and amazement. It was a large metal circular device. It was about 7 foot tall. The frame itself was titanium with pulse rods on the inside of the circular shape.

"This is the Transporter you were talking about Kaiba?" Yugi looked at him quizzically. The taller male much taller than the two guest nodded his head. Joey couldn't wrap his own head around the odd device, Kaiba was always making strange things in his lab. He scratched his blondish hair clearly confused as he purses his lips in thought.

"Your wanting us to test this thing for you..?" The thought alone going through what looked like a slimey portal which it look like because it looked like the portal had waves in it.

"Unless your chicken Wheeler.." Joey slammed his foot down and got his face 3 inches from Kaiba.
"I ain't no chicken! Let do this!" Kaiba grabbed Joeys arm and put a gauntlet sized arm band on his wrist.

"Eh? what's this Doohickey?" Kaiba while Joey spoke put one on Yugi's wrist. It weighed almost 2 pounds on their wrist, both having monitors and location output.
Kaiba wearing his most common outfit of white blazer jacket back shirt and white pants with black shoes, walked over to a few consoles and computers typing in coordinates for a location.
Yugi wearing his classic outfit on blue blazer jacket from school black tank top with is buckle choker and wristband blue pants and black men's shoes looked at what Kaiba was doing at the monitor.
"So you have a second Transporter?"
Without looking at the young high school classmate he typed away on it.
"3 floors up there's another transporter, these gauntlets allow communication between the transporters and to this computer. With it I can find your location and speak to you through the gauntlet. Because this is a test run I need a to and return trip through the Transporters, so I can also test the communication system on the gauntlets."
Yugi looked at the air beside him to see his spirit partner Yami who looked exactly like Yugi from their similar hair to the same color eyes. The only difference if their voices and the fact that Yami is taller of the two.
"This is a strange contraption of Kaiba's." Yami floated next to his partner his legs crossed in thought observing over Yugi's shoulder. As Kaiba continued to type away making sure everything is prepared

Joey approached the Transporter looking it over.
He wore a plain white shirt his own school blazer blue jeans and black and white sneakers. Yugi looked at his best friend with worry, not wanting him to possibly mess up said complicated device.

"Uh Joey hang on a sec. Wait till Kaiba has it ready." He walks over grabbing his best friend pulling him back a bit.
Suddenly as if it was miscalculated Kaiba jumped up from his computer screaming.
"Damnit! Somethings wrong!" The transporter started shorting out. Kaiba turned to see the chaos behind him. The whole room was shorting out as Yugi and Joey covered their faces.
"Kaiba what's going on!!" Yugi yelled. Kaiba blinked a split second to see a cloaked being appear out of nowhere behind Yugi and Joey.

"Watch out! Behind you!" Kaibas warning came too late as both boys were shoved straight into the transporter screaming in surprise as the transporter swallowed and echo their screams as it shut down.
"You, what the hell did you do!?" Kaiba chased the black figure from the exploding lab. His scientist and guards started to chase the black hoodied figure as quickly as the person appeared it vanished through a portal of light Kaiba running straight through the portal just before it vanish.
"Master Kaiba!? "Big brother!!" Mokuba Kaiba arrived to see his brother vanish into the light as the portal vanished without a trace. The younger Kaiba looked distraught as he sunk to his knees.
"No.. where is he..?"

When cards and magic collide (YugiohxFairytail crossover) Where stories live. Discover now