Chapter 13 Love that Bloomed over 6 years

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(the 15th opening to fairy tail help me develop this in between chapter. Here's where all the stuff comes out. You can tell by the title who this is meant for. This whole chapter is gonna be dedicated to future Gray's spirit, future Laci and Future yugi. Get ready for feels cause I know I'll be crying while writing this)

"It can't be... your dead... how are you here, Gray!?" The dark blue eyes look back at her from the dragon slayer and the smile just deepens on Yugi's face.

Natsu and Lucy looked struck with shock at the reveal. Future Laci's eyes gazed over Yugi's body.. no the person inside him. Being Gray's signature style he had already stripped out of Yugi's blazer which Yami held in his arm.

"Man... it hurts to look at you both.." Gray's dark blue eyes peering through Yugis own face looked away. To him it was hard to see how broken down his two surviving friends looked. He could see the scars, the almost healed wounds especially on Future Laci. It angered him to see the person he had been so deeply in love with in life reduced to a broken punching bag for those bastards. He bites down on his lip trying to keep tears from welling up.

It was too late for Laci she was covering her face with her hair and hands sobbing. "Your not here... you can't still be here..." the rest of the group silently watch the three. Joey Natsu and Lucy couldn't understand how the soul of the other Gray was existing in Yugi's body.

Gray taking quiet steps toward the sobbing dragon priestess and touched her hands covering her face. "You don't have to look at me, Laci.. just listen." The brunette sobbed with her eyes closed. Future Laci could tell that it was Gray's voice coming out of Yugi. Even for not hearing his voice except in her own memories the last 6 years, it still sounded familiar and like home.

Future Yugi looked at them in his eyes he could see the light that Gray had around him, illuminating off of Yugi's own body. "How are you even here.. Gray-san..." Future Yugi's voice broke. His fist clenched at his sides.

The ice mage looked to the long hair tricolored male a sadden smile on his face as he covered his eyes with his hand. "Valon killed me.. in his shadow. When I died, my body was expelled from his shadow, but my soul remained behind in his shadow... everyone he's ever killed... even Kaiba.. we were all trapped in the darkness." He clenched Yugi's hand like it was his own. He smiled as tears fell down his face.

"This boy... Yugi of this world, his light casted out the shadow monsters keeping all the souls inprisoned in the darkness. He saved all the civilians who were still trapped... as well as Me and Kaiba." Gray tears flowing down his face stares at Future Laci.

"Even being trapped down there all I could think about is, is she safe... is she ok... Yugi please protect her.. Your all I could think of, Laci... God my dear Laci.." the male holding her hands gripped them tightly In his lacing their fingers together as he sobbed.

Future Laci opened her eyes and it was as if she was back 6 years ago she could see him sobbing. His black hair half hiding his eyes as he had them clenched shut, standing as tall as she was now.
Future Yugi's heart clenched at the sight. He knew he had to let it happen because Gray had died, and Laci was finally getting her chance to say goodbye to him. It hurt him to watch the former lovers but he gritt his teeth and bared his soul to it.

Future Yugi never spoke of what would come after while Laci was held captive. In his heart he had hoped that he would win the older mages heart and affection even with what they had been through. He wanted nobody else because there was nobody else.
Future Laci choked on her tears. "Gray... your free now..You can finally see heaven... with everyone else..." Gray shocked his head which made the mages tears brown eyes widen as he spoke.

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