Chapter 8 How We Got Here

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(This story is almost completed on it's getting updated here as I go)

Natsu and Lucy looked at each other sharing the same thought. 'It's just like then... with Future Lucy...' Everyone was staring an adult version of Yugi Muto.
Future Yugi stood a good 10 feet from the group soaking in everyone. His bluntness from earlier dissolved, leaving behind tears as he looked at another version of his friends.
"It's so good to see you all again.."
Yugi himself was heavily conflicted. The familiarity he felt from this person. It was because he was him from another reality, another dimension. The shock resonated through everyone as they were left speechless.

"It was yours! Y-your memories..." The younger Yugi covered his mouth as his Future self nods. "I'm sorry you had to witness such a tragedy..." Future Yugi then noticed the lack of people or presence in the guilds.
"Oh this reality is very different... where's most of the guild members..?" Natsu met the older Yugi's gaze. The fire dragon's slayer nose's could tell his scent. He was real. He wasn't a fake person nor anyone else entirely. He shared the same scent as the Yugi that stood next to Natsu.

"Everyone in the guild went on a cruise ship. Before these guys got here."
In future Yugi's mind that was one difference from his world. He wondered what else is different. He knew according to what the enforcers had said and what he overheard was that Kaiba and Joey of this universe have magic this time around unlike before.  'That's very helpful in our case.' He smiled knowingly.

"Tell me, does a woman by the name of Laci Nesmith exist in this dimension?" Future Yugi's eyes met Lucy's. The blonde looked surprised at the name he mentioned. "Y-yes  she's on the cruise ship... why? Do you know of my sisters fate..?"
Future Yugi looked regretful. He had hope that her existence didn't mean much in this reality. It was gonna crush them when they realize what her condition was..

His memory flashed back to after the deaths of everyone they knew in fairy tail and his own friends. Dartz had caught up with him and warned him if he didn't listen to him and help him break the dimension barrier that he would kill the last Fairy tail mage.
He didn't know it was the woman he had crushed on when he first saw her. The day he saw her first walking into the guild along side Natsu Dragneel and her sister Lucy Heartifilla. Back then being so young, she was an older beauty.

His anger flared when he saw what became of the older mage. Cuffed to the wall, Valon's shadow magic physically abused her body, slashes and old wounds all over her body. It took great restraint not to turn to Dartz and blast his entire being all across the dungeon.

Her eyes were both half red half brown showing the existence of something else inside her. From what he learned from her close friends at Fairy tail, she was known as The Dragon Priestess and was inboddied with the World End Dragon. It seemed that Dartz knew this well and was gonna use it to his advantage.

"What the hell do you want from me, Dartz..." He was seething between the teeth in anger.
"You get us through the dimensional barrier and I can guarantee your dear friends safety. Her mental state might be another thing all together. As long as you do what I say she will be fine."
As far as he could tell only Valon and Dartz were the ones keeping Laci captive. For now he would have to play nice.

"Future Yugi." The male who was lost in his own memories looked at who spoke who was Natsu.
"Yes, Natsu-San?" He spoke, he didn't noticed fast enough that Natsu had actually gotten closer to him. He took a step back looking at the Dragon slayer.
"You say Laci exists in the world you were from? From your expression, it doesn't seem that she's dead... is she?" Future Yugi dropped his gaze from the prying pink haired male. Lucy looked just as worried as his gaze glanced over everyone. It seemed that everyone here knew of her except Younger yugi yami joey and Kaiba. The older male looked away from everyone keeping his gaze down as his blonde bangs fell into his eyes as he fisted his gloved hands at his side.

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