Chapter 2 A magical Development

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The trio looked at each other. Yami clearly distressed and wanting to keep it under wraps about their identity. Joey skeptical about the whole thing while Yugi looked pleadingly at Yami.

"If the question is kinda... awkward you don't have to answer it right now." Lucy threw a look at her partner noticing the three males uncomfortableness.
"Uh yea thanks. We're kinda 'visitors' here so what's this place like? What do you guys do around here?" Joey asking a layered question so the mages try to answer it throughly.

"Magnolia is a beautiful town. Probably not as beautiful as some other places here in Fiore. We tend to go on missions to get paid or to spread our reputation.  Most of the time it's to see new places or even..-" "even to fight some dark guilds or some thugs trying to steal or rob others using magic!" Natsu cut lucy off eagerly spouting off in his mind the most fun part of the job.

"Natsu! Don't do that!" His partner complained pouting as she looked at the pink haired male. He rub his head grinning at the blonde. "Ah, sorry Luce! Heh."
Joey looked at the two glancing from one to the other. "So Eh.. Magic? You guys said Magic right..?" He sweats a bit. It doesn't sound right that they're in a world filled with magic when the only magic he knew of was shadow magic, and only those in possession of a millennium item could even use it.
"Hmm you guys sound like you didn't know magic existed..?" Natsu walked closer to the two and started to.. sniff them.

"Dude what the hell are you doing!? Are you a dog or something??" Joey practically shoved Natsu away freaking out. Natsu landed on his ass from the shove grunting as he landed.
"Natsu's a special case." Happy interjected coming to his buddy's defense. "He's a Dragon slayer!" The trio by the door looked in shock, their eyes widen as they stared at the pink haired male but only Yugi could get his mouth moving.

"D-dragon what!?" Yugi stammers. Yami looked like he was about to faint in surprise.
"It's a type of magic here in Fiore. Tho only a few people actually have it." Lucy finished happy's comment. To her and Natsu and Happy it sounded like a normal deal, she didn't even think it would come off as strange.
Joey shoved Natsu away again as he tried to sniff his best friend. "That doesn't explain the sniffing!" Natsu glared at Joey. "Oi, stop shoving!"

"You wanna ass kicking you got it pinky!" Joey got in his face glaring at the male. Lucy ran to the two and shoved them both back. "Hey knock it off!" Natsu easily pulled Lucy behind him.
"These guys don't smell right... like I can smell magic on them but it's not normal.." Joey looked at Yugi and Yami who exchanged looks of their own.

"Is it what I think it is..?" Yugi looked at his former spirit partner. Yami rubbed his jaw thinking. "It maybe possible that this worlds laws might've enhanced whatever shadow magic the puzzle may have..." he muttered low so Yugi could hear.
Natsu cocked his head to the side unintentionally listening to the two talking.

"Huh? What's this about this worlds laws..?" Lucy looked at Natsu confused by his question.
"O-oh nothing! S-so you can sense magic?" Yugi sweats hard just realizing that the dragon slayer could hear their words even in a whisper.
"Mhm and it seems each of you have a bit of magic. While...Yami.. was it..?"

Yami blinked in surprise when the slayer pointed at him. "He's got the largest out put next to.. Yugi was it?" The shorter male standing next to him nodded.
"While your buddy here is more enhanced by magic than actually using it." This caught Joey off guard as he looked at the pink hair male in front of him.
"You think.. we can use magic..??"

Back in their home dimension Tea Tristan Bakura and Mokuba were hard at work trying to figure out how to fix the transporter. Thankfully the workers employed at Kaiba Corp were first on deck to see what went wrong.

When cards and magic collide (YugiohxFairytail crossover) Where stories live. Discover now