Chapter 3 Twin Dragon Trouble

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(This story is copied from my fanfiction account)

Kaiba after wandering for a couple hours finally found the main road. "Damn, I hate nature... give me a study, a computer and something to work on and I'm set." He rests against a tree and checks his pockets.

He pulled out his thick wallet overflowing with cash and large bills,and on his belt was his deck. He pulls it out and the first card he sees is his favorite card The Blue Eyes White Dragon.

"Sadly where I am now you can't help me very much." He puts the deck back as he heard the faint sounds of a horses hooves against the ground. He looked over as the carriage was coming towards them. The carriage owner looked him over as it approached. "You lost fellow?"

Kaiba not wanting to sound like a complete jerk, spoke kindly. "Yes, sadly. Where are you headed?"
The owner was a tall man with black hair cowboy hat, blue button down shirt with jeans and boots on. He pointed up the road. "This way leads to the train station. You need a ride? Sadly got a couple idiots in the back. Care to make sure they don't ruin my compartment?"

Kaiba pulled out a couple large bills about 100 dollars and gave it to the man, who whistled. "Not from around here are you? This currency is mighty fancy." Kaiba didn't respond as he walks to the compartment door and opens it.

"What the..?" Was his first response to the two fairly pale and sick looking males in the carriage.
The one closes to the door was a blonde with blue eyes wearing a vest style shirt with suspenders and black shorts with decent walking shoes. His friend with black hair, red eyes wearing a cloak covering a white button down with black sleeves black pants and loafers. (Not accurate outfits just making some up x,D)

Kaiba stepped into the carriage hesitantly as he looked the two sick looking guys over. "You two look like trash. You get sick easily or something?"
The black haired male opened his mouth his words a stammering mess as he tried not to vomit. "V-very much... m-motion sickness.." Kaiba sweats apathetically. He pitied the two poor fools to ride a carriage even with motion sickness.

"W-where you going.." the blonde choking back his stomach spoke up.
Kaiba looked the blonde over, sighing. "Magnolia. You two wouldn't happen to know how to get there would you?" The sick duo eyes went wide and had a pained smile on their faces.

"Yea.. we know how to get there. Our friends guild is there.." Kaiba raised an eye brow at what the sick blonde said. Confusion was all over his face.
"Guild? What's that?" The sick pair look at each other before the black haired male confirmed. "You never heard of guilds? It's where groups of wizards take jobs hang out and meet other wizards."

Kaiba looked perplexed by what they were saying. Guild? Wizards? These things weren't familiar or known to the eccentric billionaire workaholic. They sounded like things you'd put into a fantasy video game.

"You sure your even coherent right now..? Cause what your saying sounds made up." He narrowed his eyes at the two. The black hair male reached over to the window and retched out of it. "Bleeeeegh!"
Kaiba groaned inwardly as he reached over and patted the sick pale on his back. He was used to comforting his little brother when he was sick so this was no different except the guy was a complete stranger he happened to hitched a ride with.

"R-rogue.." the black haired male said. Kaiba looked at him. "What's that?"
The blonde points to his friend. "That's... his name. Mines Sting.." Rogue finally sat back in the seat his face less paler despite the already pale complexion he seemed to have.
Kaiba smirked. Never thought he'd get names out of two sick males in a carriage ride. The odds were tremendous.

The two held their hands out to Kaiba which made him confused before he realized they wanted to shake his hand. "Seto Kaiba, call me whatever you want." He shook their hands, both males having a slight smile on their faces.
"Making chit chat in the most weirdest of places..." Stings voice returned to normal, sounding less gruff from the pain in his stomach.
Rogue nodded smiling a bit. Kaiba looked out the window and viewed the scenery.

When cards and magic collide (YugiohxFairytail crossover) Where stories live. Discover now