Chapter 10 Flash Dance

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(Got my first song put into the story since here on Wattpad I can have the song posted just listen to it)

"Welcome to my room Fairies. And to your doom!" Alister stood on a stage his electric guitar in hand the air already crackling with Electricity.
"Time for you to pay!" Kaiba called him out as the 4 prepared for a fight.
Gajeel laughed. "A room made of metal for a guy like me to eat how fun." Kaiba looked appalled at his words but the dark red haired male wasn't gonna let them banter around as he strums his guitar as lightnight started sparking and dancing across the ground under their feet.

"Shit! watch out!" Laxus warned the group as they scattered a bit to avoid being hit by the dancing electricity.
Gajeel activated his Iron body once more as the lightning tries to strike him. He shook it off with ease as it didn't damage him.
Wendy jumped out of the way as a lighting bolt struck Kaiba in his shoulder. He grunted and winced in pain but didn't cry out.

"Gajeel take out the lighting rods." Laxus noticed the mages magic was bouncing off the lightning rods that were surrounding the room. He knew with them there he couldn't use his magic to deflect the inferior lightning.
Alister laughed. "I don't think you can take them all down Metal mouth!" A magic circle formed in the air. "Heaven's Opera!" The lightning played accordingly shocking everyone at once where they stood as it continued to crash even around them.
"Aghhhhh!" Kaiba and Wendy cried out from the jolt, Gajeel and Laxus held their ground. Kaiba recovered tho he fell to one knee.

"I refuse to take this nonsense lying down. Monster Summon!" The air blew around him as his magic glowed as he held his card in his hand. "Blue Eyes White Dragon!!!" The beast roared to life as it left its card and stood before Kaiba and the others.
It flapped its gloriously wings connected to a shiny white body with eyes of pure blue.

"Blast away Blue eyes!" The dragon followed through blasting its attack towards the lightning mage who defended against it with his own magic. "Heavens Ballad!" The magic wrapped around him tightly acting like a barrier creating a shocking protection around him
"We're gonna have to work together on this Kaiba-San!" Wendy called out about 5 feet away from him still avoiding the crashing lightning around her.
"As much as I hate that word, it's our only option with that metal face mage tearing down these lightning rods, that makes Lightning bolt over here pratically useless." Kaiba said grudgingly.

Gajeel now recovering from the attack goes back to tearing apart the lighting rods punching or eating through the reinforced steel base of the rods. He was barely through tearing down the first one and there was still 6 more around the room.
Laxus looked annoyed and irritated that he grabbed the lightning from the air and chucked it at Alister who laughed when it hit his ballad barrier that was still there.

If they were to defeat Alister they'd have to get in close and bust through his barrier.
"Is that all you got? I'm disappointed Fairies! I thought you guys would be better than the last set!" He taunted laughing. It angered the guys but Wendy remained firm and strong.
maybe find light
"You haven't seen nothing yet!" The wind blew heavily even though they were underground as the blue haired girl her hair and eyes turning a lovely shade of pink. "Dragon Force!!" The wind slapped against the ground around her making the lightning within 2 feet of her disperse before it hit anywhere near the ground.

Alister paled his eyes widen as he played harder the lighting getting faster. "Tempo increase! Heaven's Aria!" The lightning doubled in size and came crashing down faster.
Gajeel who watched from his position at the second rod as the lightning got closer to him. "Damnit I better finish this..!" The last thing he wanted was the lightning to get strong enough to make his iron body useless. He could only protect himself from so much damage.

When cards and magic collide (YugiohxFairytail crossover) Where stories live. Discover now