Chapter 12 Lions Fire and Spirits! oh my

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(Hey I dedicate the song Inferno from Fire Force opening to be the song of the fight!)

Natsu and his group enter the left passage and start walking through the tunnel the fire dragon slayer illuminating the path before them. Future Laci had a vice grip on Future Yugi's arm. Ever since they knocked her out of her potion endured rage she's wanted to stay close to her dear friend who had been putting his life on the line to both keep her safe as much as he could and save her from the Enforcers.

The walk through the Tunnel was both tense and quiet until Future Laci looked to the others. "Thank you again... for everything." She looked behind her at Joey an apologetic look in her eye.

"I'm sorry we had to drag you guys into this mess..." Joey looked up at the brunette from looking at the ground. "Oh, it's no problem. Just glad that it's working out so far. Once we beat these guys you and Future Yugi are free to go where ever you want now."
That thought brought a smile to everyone. Natsu would make sure that he got both groups out of this alive. His different universe friends and the two from another dimension all together. He's make sure as a Fairy Tail wizard that they would all get out of this alive.

Lucy rubbed his shoulder. She knew exactly how he was thinking. She looked to her Future Sister and said. "Do you still have your keys?"
That made the Brunette pause. She thought for a moment and groans. "Oh no... I lost both sets..." The brunette almost tears up when Future Yugi fumbled his shirt pulling on something. "Laci, here.." he pulled from around his neck a rope that nobody noticed before it had hidden its contents inside his shirt as he pulled it off he revealed a set of keys over 20 keys hung from the round key ring.
On the key ring it had 10 light blue keys 12 golden keys and a few silver keys. Future Laci's eyes widen looking at Future Yugi tears glisten in the low light of Natsu's flame. "You kept them..." She hugged him tightly the light mage hugging her just as tight kissing her cheek as the brunette takes the key ring crying happily.

"You have both sets.." Natsu noted. Future Laci couldn't look the pink haired male. In her reality the Natsu she knew was deeply in love with Lucy and when she died even though it killed him he gave her, her sisters keys. ''You'll be able to care for them the best... even she would want you to keep them.' Those were the words he left her. She nodded not meeting his gaze. They continued walking until a wall emerged behind them. "Huh? What's going on here?" Joey hit the wall as everyone looked at him confused.

"Where did the path go?" Future Yugi voiced their concerns as suddenly the wall pushed against Joey's hands.
"ahh! It's moving! Run!" No sooner that Joey said that the wall came full forced into the unexpected mages. Natsu not being an idiot for once took off running with Lucy dead on his heels.
Future Yugi and Future Laci started running while Joey was being pushed against the wall.
"ahhh! Make this thing stoop!" Joey screamed the wall being so high it lifted Joey's feet off the ground when it pushed against him.

"What's even happening here!? What is this crazy place!!" Lucy screamed Happy clinging to the back of her shirt with his claws. "It's like a giant maze! This cave is magic!" Future Laci recalled something she heard from a while back when they brought her down here. "T-the Dragon's den!" She gasped as they kept running.
"Dragon's den?!" Future Yugi looked at her his eyes crossed with confusion. "I'll explain once we get out of this!!" She screams feeling the wall hit her back. "Keep running!" Her legs were knocked from under her as the wall now pushed both her and Joey forward.

Future Yugi kept pace with Natsu while Lucy was falling behind.
"where is this thing even going!!?" The blonde groaned her legs were on fire she didn't even know how long they'd been running. Future Yugi looked back at Future Laci who was squished against the wall with Joey.
"Get on the wall now..!" The light mage spoke up. The celestial mage and the fire dragon mage both look at him like he was nuts.

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