Chapter 14 Black and White never Grey

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(I kept thinking long and hard on how this fist half of the fight would go with Dartz by himself. I decided to split the final battle into two half's. The first half being against Dartz and the second Half would be against the awakened Leviathan. Also this will be the first reveal of Dartz magic by name so enjoy also I didn't include a song for the chapter so listen to the song Strike back fairy tail opening which will be featured in the next chapter in its English lyrics so just listen to it as you read the story)

Soft voices were talking in hushed tones. She could hardly hear. Not like she wanted to, her head hurt like hell. This is what crying did to her, if she cried long enough she'd get a splitting headache and now she had one.

"So you think it's a good idea for You and Future Yugi to take on the bastard? When not even Future Laci or Yugi know what magic this guy uses??" Joey said crossly to someone. She couldn't tell who her head was still swimming a bit.

"Its better if we at least have as few of us fight at once because we still have to take out the dragon after the fight." Natsu debated. His blonde companion agreed. She looked down at their group. Most of them were awake the ones who were still asleep was Yugi Wendy Future Laci and Future Yugi. She could understand Wendy being tired and weary from healing everyone, Yugi because he felt Gray's lingering emotions.

Future yugi and Future Laci were straightforward having cried for the finale passing of their dear friend. Before this was over they'd both have more tears to shed.
Future Yugi stirred slowly. First moving slightly before opening his eyes looking at the Brunette in his arms.

He touched her face slowly feeling her breathing on his face as he burried his in her neck sighing. His heart was relieved. He looked up at everyone. "Hey guys..."
His new friends gave him a sincere smile. "Feeling a little better, Future Yugi?" Sting pulled the male to his feet patting his back.

"Just fine. We should get moving even with these three asleep. I want this over with since were this far..." Future Yugi normally cautious wanted to finish the whole thing. The others nodded. Joey carried Yugi on his back, Laxus handled Wendy and even though he was gonna fight, he wanted to hold Future Laci for the time being.

Natsu and Lucy led the way for the group as they went further ahead.
this time the tunnel was a stair case they climbed to reach a open pit. Above them was actual sky and wind blowing around them. "It's an open field...." Joey stated as they all finished climbing up. The wind roared around them as a male appears in front of a sleeping curled up serpent.

"So fairies... you finally made it up this high. I'm very surprised." His smile was twisted as he glanced over Future Laci in Future Yugi's arms.
"Too bad.. I figured you would kill her to save your own hides. You know her Dragon is a World ending monster.. Hense the name of her magic, World End..." Dartz lets out a snicker at the glares he was getting.

"If anyone is a monster it's you, Dartz..." Future Yugi placed the sleeping girl by the wall behind them where everyone stood.
He turned to face him. Natsu crackled his knuckles as the two approached the center of the room. "Oho? So your both going to take me on? You sure you can handle it this time around little Yugi? It might just end the same way like last time. Tho this time I won't guarantee you'll live.." Dartz pulled out what looked like a blood bag out from his garb and rips it open spreading it's contents around him.

Future Yugi grit his teeth. He remembered the last time. The fight that costed him. The fight that landed these bastards in this universe. His loss was their access to this place. It almost costed him his soul as he nearly gave himself to his own darkness.
"I won't fall this time Dartz... not when so much rides on this..." Light envelopes his hands. Fire licked Natsu's hands as he grins.

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