Chapter 11 Conquer the Darkness

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(A/n hey everyone welcome back once again here's chapter 11. Also stuff I wanna mention. alister's magic is based on a kingdom hearts villains power and the spells he cast have Opera terms that they use. Let's continue forth to Yugi, yami, and the twin dragons fight also enjoy the song I dedicated to this chapter and this fight)

"Welcome Sabertooth, Yugi and Yami. Time to play hide and seek!" His blue eyes glisten with menacing humor as the room goes black.

Yugi and Sting quickly get to work on illuminating the room while Rogue and Yami started to get rid of the shadows. The shadows were dense. It was hard to even see through them let alone feel each other, even knowing the others were close by.
"You'll never beat me that way, Sabertooth!" Valon's voice taunted them In the darkness. It felt like the shadows were beginning to move. They're eyes soon adjusted as much as they could to the pitch blackness. They could feel things moving around in the darkness with them. Solid creatures. Shadow monsters.

"Yami!" Yugi called out even in the darkness he could feel his partner, his other half nearby. Soon his hand gripped his. "I'm right here..!" Yami's grip comforted the younger boy as he locked his fingers into his partner's hand. The two stood back to back holding on to the other's hand so they wouldn't be separated.
Sting and Rogue were back to back in the darkness as Sting's magic started to release as an aura around him. "Roar of the white dragon!" A white beam of light lit the room up briefly injuring a shadow monster hidden in the blackness.

As soon as his roar hit it was soon consumed by darkness once again. Not even his magic was strong enough to break them out of the sea of shadows that surrounded them.
Yugi thought carefully as he felt his magic pulsate in his hands. He shut his eyes feeling Yami behind him, as he concentrated. "Heaven's Santuary!" Soon a burst of holy white light expelled from Yugi's body lighting up the whole area and expelling the darkness.

"Oh? So you manage to expel the shadows. Too bad, twerps. As long as I'm here Shadows will remain and take over again!" Valon spoke this time behind the duo as Valon's monster got close and slashed them.
Yugi pushed Yami out of the way to make him avoid it. Yami dropped to the ground as the attack nearly ripped through Yugi's jacket and shirt as he glared at the creature.

"There's that light in your eyes, Yugi! Time for me to estingush it!" Valon cackles as more monsters started forming from the plants in the room as Sting and Rogue were in their own fights.
"White dragon's iron fist!" Sting slams his fist into the monster as it screeches in pain from the contact with light magic. Rogue doesn't waste time leaping onto the creature and slash his black shadow covered arm into it. "Shadow Dragon's slash!"
Both attacks damage the creature greatly as it throws Rogue off of it.

Rogue catches himself as he slips into the shadows and attacks the monster from the shadows head on. He emerged from the shadows again his body enveloped in his own magic aura as he cries out. "Shadow dragon Haste!" He beats on the shadow creature as Sting blast through once again. "White dragon's holy roar!" The powerful blast cuts through the shadow as it vanished all together.
Yami and Yugi back to back both glare at Valon as he's diving from Shadow to shadow intimidating the two new magic users. "Holy Spear!" Yugi's magic circle emerged as light projectiles landed on the shadows illuminating them causing Valon to scream in pain as he exits one of the shadows.

"You little shit!" Valon got close grabbing Yugi and throwing him into the ground. Yami who saw Valon move used his own magic. "Shadow Dagger!" A weapon formed in his hand from the shadows as he swipes at Valon knocking him backwards. Valon sneered at the Pharaoh who stood in front of his hikari the younger male getting to his feet.
"Let's play in the shadows you two!" Valon dives onto the two and they go through the floor swallowed into the shadows. It was thick dark and almost airless in the shadows.
"Yami! Yugi!" Before Sting and Rogue could intervene another Shadow monster knocks into the two throwing them back.

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