Chapter 5 Attack on the Guild

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Back in Japan the transporter rebuild was almost completed. Mokuba invited Tristan Tea and Bakura back to the corporate office building to see if they could make contact with their gauntlets.

"Kay now I'm gonna see if I can hone in on their signal. Since the coordinates are still in the system of where they were sent too." Mokuba clicks away on the computer as men behind them were still working on the transporter.

Tristan was antsy while Tea couldn't keep it together her nerves fried with everything going on. Bakura however was very certain and very hopeful that they'd be able to connect to them.

Mokuba turns on an electric radio connected to the computer which was supposed to give the signal.
"Connection confirmed. Yugi muto and Joey Wheeler connected." The computer robotically said as they cheered.

"Yes so now how do we talk to them?" Tea looked at the younger Kaiba brother. He held a microphone connected to the radio.
"Just through this." He handed her the small microphone which had a button to push to speak into.

She pushed it eagerly. "Joey? Yugi can you hear me?? Where are you guys? Are you alright??"


"Kaiba!!" The three run over to greet their friend. The fire dragon slayer looked a little surprise to see his friends from another guild here. "Sting, Rogue, what brings you here?" The two in question walk towards the mages.
"Kaiba-San took a lift in our Carriage ride while we were on our way home to Bosco. He told us he needed to get here so we helped him to get here." Sting said nonchalantly. Rogue nodded his arms covered by his cloak but it wasn't hard tell his arms were kinda bent at the elbow.

Joey bumped his fist into Kaibas shoulder. "Kaiba Howd you even get here?? We thought you were back home trying to get us back." Kaiba glowered in his own frustration. "Your being here was no accident Wheeler. Someone hacked the system to make sure you two were sent to this world. When the malfunction occurred and everything went haywire I saw a figure dressed in black robes and clothing push the both of you into the transporter before it shut off. I chased them down the hall as they were leaving through a portal going as far as following after them.."
Yugi looked down at the ground his face torn from confusion and slight irritation. 'What is going on here..? Who even sent us here and why haven't they shown their faces..' He thought bitterly as Kaiba continued breaking him of his thoughts.

"When I exited the portal I was with the same black figured...they told me the name of this place.. and told me where to find the two of you." He struggled to say the last bit but decided to keep it to himself, the less confusion spread around the group the better.

Joey groan in exasperation. "This shit is getting us nowhere.. damn bastards won't show their faces. We're stuck in a world with no way home, and no way to contact anyone back home." He slammed his foot on the ground frustrated as Natsu spoke up.
"Oi.. I hear buzzing..." The 5 slayers look around the room before Rogue pointed to the gauntlets on Yugi and Joey's arms.

"Somethings going on with your devices." The four boys standing in a circle look down at Yugi and Joey's wrist. They looked at the gauntlets as static started breaking through the constant buzzing.
They started to hear someone on the other end trying to speak.

"-oey? Yugi can you hear me? Are you guys alright? Where are you!?" They all gasped in shock, Yami recovering the fastest from the astonishing moment. "It's Tea! They must've fixed the transporter to a certain degree."

Lucy walk towards the males to get a better hearing of what was happening.
"Tea? Tea can you hear us! Your breaking up!" Yugi called out as she started speaking again her words alone could tell that she couldn't hear them.
"Joey, Yugi, we're working on getting you guys back! The transporter is being fixed. Hang tight and we'll get you guys home!" The voice cut out but the static was still there. "Yugi, Joey! Seto is not here. Is he there with you!?" Mokuba's frantic voice came out of the gauntlets speaker.

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