Chapter 4 Magic Realization

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Chapter 4 Magic Realization
Joey stammers his eyes wide in response to what  Natsu just told them. "Your saying... we can do magic!?"

Both Yugi and Yami shared Joeys surprise, both exchanging a glance before looking towards the pink haired dragon slayer. Lucy looked to her partner.
"Natsu how could you figure that out? Can you sense magic on them?"  Natsu relaxed his posture resting his arms at his side. "Again, they're magic is strange..." It was bothering Natsu to bits as he sat down at one of the tables.

Yugi not one wanting to keep things hidden, mostly to the frustrations of their new friends, walks to the table and sits as well.
"I have to tell you something." Yami and Joey could tell that Yugi had enough of trying to keep things hidden. If it continued they wouldn't get anywhere. Both males came to sit down next to Yugi while Lucy took her seat next to Natsu on the picnic bench tables.

Yugi looked at the two mages in front of him, sighed a little before putting his chin on his hands resting the elbows on the table. "This is gonna sound very very unbelievable. But you have to believe me. The truth is we don't know where we are. We.. aren't from this world. This universe you could say."

Happy who had been eating a fish from the kitchen since they came in dropped it on the table much to Joeys dismay who cringed at the raw sea creature. Natsu's eyes gleamed at them looking at one male to the other. Lucy on the other hand was rubbing her head trying to figure it out.

"So your saying..? That's your not originally from here..?" Natsu finally pieced it together.
Joey shook his head his arms crossed over his chest.
The serious mood was off putted when two arrivals walked into the guild. "Natsu-San! Lucy-San!" The three males nearly jumped out of their skins as they looked behind them.

"Oh! Gajeel! Wendy! Master said you two stayed behind from the cruise ship." Lucy stood up for a second to greet the two.
"Ehh? What the hell? A pair of doubles and a gangster?" In Gajeel's eyes this is what he views Joey Yami and Yugi as.

Gajeel walks to the table as the three males get a better look of him. With long jet black hair that was a mess, black tank top with what looked like metal bands on his arms and Inbedded in his arms, deep red eyes with white crop shorts and thick black boots. Joey got annoyed with Gajeels statement of them.

"Hey if anybody looks like a gangster is you, ya creeper." He slammed his hand on the table.
"Oh the blondie has a backbone? Can't wait to break it, gihihi." Lucy steps in to break up the almost fight once again as Wendy approached Yugi and Yami.
"Hello, my name is Wendy." Wendy smiled at the two. She was dressed very cute like. Wearing a white dress with a red bow with ruffles, her hair pulled into pigtails by two red barrette, with white flats to match. Her brown eyes looked at the two curiously. Her eyes were a lighter shade of brown compared to Lucy's.

"Hello, Wendy. My name is Yami.. this is.." Yami was caught off guard by Yugis reaction to the sapphire blue haired girl.
The young Muto boy stared at the sky dragon slayer, his eyes unblinking as a slight blush was starting to appear on his face, his mouth open slightly as if to speak.

Wendy looked at him the smile never leaving her face. "Your name?" She said which snapped Yugi out of it.
"Ah! I-I.. it's Yugi.. Yugi Muto.." The blush lightly stained his cheeks as he messed his hair a bit trying to distract himself from his fumbling stare that he gave the girl.
"Nice to meet you Yugi-San, Yami-San." She walked around the table and hugs Natsu and Lucy each before petting Happy.

"So I take it Charla and Pantherlily are on the cruise?" Lucy noticed the black and white cats weren't present with the fellow slayers.
"Just because we couldn't go doesn't mean they needed to miss out. Sorry you weren't here to go with them Happy." Happy waved off Wendy's sadden tone.

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