Chapter 15 The Fate of the Future

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(Here it is the final battle of the story. I'm gonna make it as long and as bombastic as I can cause once it's over the sad chapter is coming next chapter so be prepared. On To The ACTION!)

with Future Yugi and Future Laci.

"Scales Dress.." Her magic doubled in capacity as her flames re-emerged. "Now face the true devastation of The World End Dragon, Dartz!"

Dartz's grey eyes leered over the brunette. He feared her magic more than anything. It's why he had her captured so many years ago, her magic alone could destroy everything he set out to conquer.

The brunette's sudden movement knocked the villains head out of his thoughts as he swings his arm sensing a blade of blood directed at her as she got low to dodge it. She leaped to her feet as she swung her flaming emerald/black fist at the male, her scales dress shined in the mid morning sun. "Haaaa!" She barely missed scrapping her knuckle on his face.

(Because they've been down there so long the first day was afternoon. By the time the battle with Valon occurred it was turned night time, by the time Dartz was beat the first time morning had passed and now it almost noon again they basically spend an entire day in the cavern)

Future Yugi jumped into the fray as well, holding what looked like a light weapon made by his magic. He slashed the blood coming towards him as he moved in closer gritting his teeth.

Dartz sweats being pushed back by the two determined mages. "You both will fall right here! Blood Psych magic: bloody rain!" He sent the blood up into the air as it rained down on them turning into spikes as it pierces their skin.

"Ahhh!" The two cry out as they jump backwards pulling out the needles that were in their arms.
"blood Syphon!" Dartz cried out as blood dribbles out of the both of them.

"Heaven's arrow!" Future yugi's magic circle opened up blasting Dartz with dozens and dozens of arrows. He caught plenty of them in his arms. "aghhh ow ow ow!!" The turquoise colored male groans as the arrows left bloody marks and were inbedded to his skin.

Future Laci moved in closer before giving Dartz a big old uppercut, his chin hitting her fist. "World End Dragon's Iron fist!" Her attack sent him flying upward into the air as Yugi leaped above the disoriented blood mage.

"Heaven's Radiance!" The magic formed in his hand as the ball of light turned into a shower of light magic slamming him back into the ground. Dartz hit the ground hard but gets up slowly again, wounds covering every inch of his exposed skin from the mages. He's anger boiled as well as his blood looking at the two. They got under his skin heavily.

"Damn you.." the blood seemed to move faster in his hands as he got angry the two diving this way and that to avoid the blood, he slashed the air, slammed his fists into the ground making the blood shoot up as spikes under their feet.

"Laci, I have a plan to get rid of him forever! I need you to distract him for me though." Future Laci looked to future Yugi. His hands touched his puzzle. The puzzle that had remained empty since Yami's death years ago.

"Don't worry..!" She dives under Dartz's magic once again flying across the battle field toward him.
Future Yugi glance down at his puzzle a sad smile on his face. "Well my old friend, time to be heros." He closed his eyes as his light magic envelopes him making him glow along with his puzzle as magic circles formed.

Future Laci dive bombed the blood mage from the air after he sent her flying. "Hyaaa! World end Dragon's smashing fang!" She slammed the butt of her hands into his face causing his nose to break.
"Aghh!" The male grabbed his nose backing away leering at the girl once more. She didn't let up as her leg came into contact with his chest side swiping him into the rock wall behind him.

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