Chapter 17 The Moments We Make

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(Finally on to the more cutesy moments. And the Yugixwendy moments I promised)

Its been over a day since the final defeat of Dartz his enforcers and the Leviathan dragon. After long and long explanation for everything was given to the rest of Fairy Tail and their Master, and some serious rest for the ones who were involved in the incident was given Master welcomed both Future Laci and Future Yugi to the guild with open arms.

Let's just say the two future-dimensional mages were very speechless.
The duelist and the two future mages didn't know but Natsu had a planned event for them. Through the week they worked on it carefully behind the mages back. "Gray! It's your turn, take them out and have good clean fun!" Master ordered the ice mage who scratched his head.

The ice mage thought hard on what to do as Wendy approached the mage with Juvia, a tall pale complexion beauty with long sea blue hair and blue eyes.

"Can't think of anything Gray-sama?" The dark haired male looked up at the two from his seat at the bench. He had been watching the 4 duelist having a blast taking with several of the guild members including the always drunk Cana who was trying to get the obviously younger men to drink.

"Oi Oi Oi you smell like a brewery! Lay off the snops!" Joey's loud voice echoed across the hall where Gray sat who barked out a laugh at Joey shoving the bra wearing mage. Yugi laughed as Cana was flirting with the blonde hair male.

Joey was having none of it as he brushed the drunk off sitting next to Kaiba who was enjoying some tea. The male rolled his eyes at the blonde who was trying to hide behind him from the drunk brunette.
Gray attention returned to the blue haired girls next to him. "Nah can't think of much.. is the bath house still around? If not... hmm beach could work too..." Wendy gasped at the word beach. She slammed her hands excitedly down on the table.

"Beach is perfect!" Wendy was aware of the plans the guild had for the new members and the duelists. Juvia clapped her hands together. "Since it's still early we can get to the shop get swim suits and get to the beach!" The trio agreed and went around the guild to see who would join in and who'd stay behind and plan the event.

The ones who wanted to join in were Levy Gajeel Lisanna Erza Lucy Wendy Juvia and Gray. Everyone else wanted to make sure the event was finished by the time the group came back from the beach.

Thankfully the event was being held behind the huge guild where nobody normally went. First things first was to get them swim suits. Gray and Gajeel split off with the boys while the girls took Future Laci to go shopping.

(First with the boys)

Gray and Gajeel lead the large group to the bathing shop. "Ahno.... Why are we here again..?" Yugi stammers his face turning a slight shade of pink. Future Yugi however looked like a 5 year old about to launch into a cake.

"Sougoi! We're going for a swim?!" He stretched his arms out looking excited as hell as Gajeel chuckles wrapping an arm around the older mage as the two look very giddy to get started. Gray clapped his hands together.

"Alright I'm paying so go look for some suits. I'm sure I don't have to measure you guys right..?" Gray raised an eyebrow at the 4 males who don't look directly at the ice mage.

"I can't tell if he's being serious or if that was some kind of joke." Yami crossed his arms casually, Joey half leaned over to whisper in his ear when Gray caught the motion and retracted his statement.

"Oi I was being literal! I don't know how sizes work on your world!" Gray's face turned a bright shade of red, embarrassed to even have the guys think that he was being coy and perverted.

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