Chapter 7 Break out

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(Copied from my fanfiction page)

"Now how did the two of you get caught so soon? You better get out of there before they kill you." The hooded figure spoke behind the bars.
Yugi and Wendy looked at each other before looking back at the person. The person smiled under the robes, which they could faintly see.

"Ah, Raffie took the key." The person used their light magic on the door which made it open with ease. "Best lock picking tool there is." With a slight chuckle in the hoodied figures voice, Yugi and Wendy get out of the dungeon cell. The two looked uneasy around the person. Something about the person was very suspicious. The figure seemed way too friendly. Yet how and why was he here in the enemies base?

"Aw you don't have to worry about me, I'm not gonna hurt you guys." The figure smirks under his hoodie. They took great care to make sure the two were confused and still could trust him.
Yugi realized then that this was the same black figure that brought Kaiba to this world. "Kaiba mentioned you. Your the one who sent me and my friends here."

The figure sighed, rubbing the back of their hood, they had long sleeves and gloves on. "I'll explain later." The figure grabs Yugis arm and tugs him and Wendy out of the cage. The figure Yugi noticed was slightly taller than he was and that was about it.
Wendy seemed to notice something else but she couldn't place what it was. The smell coming off the figure was so layered that she couldn't tell what the original scent was.

"Hang on to your pants!" The mage opened portals under their feet Yugi and Wendy screaming as they fall through.
"I'm wearing a dress!!!" Wendy screams as the portals start closing, the figure's laughter filling the dungeon as the portals vanish without a trace.


Dartz was going over the plans with Alister and Rafael over what was going to happen. Back and forth they debated on how they would handle the Fairies this time around. "No way you handle the twin dragons, Raffie! I wanna see how that Laxus fellow can stand up to my electricity!" Alister argued.

Rafael shook his head. "They were your targets in the first place. Only this time around seems like Wheeler and Kaiba have magic of their own. We'll have to be on guard to see what they can bring to the battle."
Dartz rolled his eyes at his two lackies. Valon had already decided he would take on Yami and whoever else would be partnered with him. He honestly didn't care as long as he got to terrorize someone.

As long as Dartz in the end got to enjoy destroying the Dragon slayers himself he didn't care if the other roughed them up first. All of a sudden the double door sealing the door on the right farthest side that connected to their quarters busted open. Valon with a heavy breath slammed his foot on the ground.

"Rafael!!! You dumbass! You didn't lock the cell door!!" His words caught said blonde off guard and confused.
"Ehh?? What are you talking about, Valon!?" Alister interjected before the blonde could recover. Valon made his way over to the three males grabbing Rafael by his shirt and literally slammed the male into the ground even tho Rafael physically was the stronger of the two.

"The. Cell. Door. Was. Opened!" Valon enunciated each word slowly so the blonde could comprehend. This finally connected with the blonde as he, Valon and Alister ran to the dungeons.
Valon spoke the truth. The only cell that had been occupied had the magic sealing cuffs laying on the floor with oddly the key to the cuffs beside it and a golden key in the key hole of the cell door.

"You idiot Valon. Someone else broke them out. And it looks like our little friend is going off doing his own thing once again.." The blonde glared at the key as he took it from the keyhole, before he could touch it tho it exploded into a little shower of light magic.
"I'm gonna kill that bastard.. like we should've a long time ago!" Valons light blue eyes flashed in the dim room.

When cards and magic collide (YugiohxFairytail crossover) Where stories live. Discover now