Chapter 16 See you in Heaven

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(hey guys the final battle is over but the story isn't. It's time for the second emotional chapter let's get it started also I hope I get this emotional enough)


Future Laci never felt the ground under her. She never felt the collision her body made with the ground, the broken bones she would've had or anything.

She did feel warm. She felt... light. She opened her eyes slowly as she witnessed orbs of light all around her. This is what Yugi said happened when they broke out of Valon's shadow. This was a million times more. She felt the orbs under her body floating her back up out of the broken floor. She didn't know how far she had fallen out of the air.

"Your free... everyone's free.." her eyes welled up with unshed tears as she felt the warmth of her long dead friends.

Future Yugi sobbed into the grass as Lucy cried out as the first orb broke through the now dark sky. "Minna, look!" She pointed to the sky as the orbs start floating out of the pit where the dead dragon laid.

The group stared in awe at the sight as Future Yugi got to his feet tears falling down his face. "It''s over..." his chest swelled at the sight. "DOWN THERE YOU GUYS!!!" Joey hastily pointed over the cliff as the mages and duelist look over. A large gathering of orbs was carrying an un-already injured Laci back up from out of the pit.

Future Yugi's voice caught in his throat as he saw her. Yugi looked up to the sky as the orbs vanished as they broke through what was left of the clouds from that day. "They're going to Heaven now..." Wendy stood next to him and held his hand in hers causing the boy to blush red as he glanced at her.

She smiles wildly her face flushed pink. "We did it..! Like we promised Future Gray." Yugi smiled and nodded in agreement. Joey and Sting were crying on both Kaiba and Rogue's shoulders respectively.

Lucy hugged Natsu crying on his shoulder happily. "Great job, Natsu..." the fire dragon slayer smiled at his best friend as Future Laci's body was returned to the ground in front of Future Yugi who took the brunette gingerly and held her sobbing.

"Laci..! Are you ok?!" His voice catches as he felt the girls hands on his face wiping his tears as she opens her eyes to look at him.

"They broke my fall Yugi.." the two looked at the group of orbs that soon unbunched and started forming silhouettes. They were familiar. The group of mages behind them gasp at the reveal.

There was 10 figures in total standing just on the edge of the cliff. Their faces were the same at the mages who looked on but the outfits they wore when they died were very different.

Natsu in the front while sporting a big smile had his hair which was thick and shaggy in a tight ponytail, he wore a black polo top under a plaid monochrome jacket with torn black cutoff jeans and sandals.

Lucy next to him wore the same plaid jacket with a tight red leather dress and calf high black boots, her hair tied back in a thick braid over her shoulder.

Erza sported something similar to what she always wears which was a school uniform style with the same monochrome jacket, while her hair which was long and flowing, had a fishtail braid in it.

Gajeel wore a black torn tank top his jacket tied around his waist with low cut grey jeans and thick leather boots, his hair however was cut short and spiked on his head, with some bangs covering his left eye.

Laxus wore something similar to his dimensional counterpart which was a leopard button down shirt black dress pants and thick shoes. His hair was relatively the same.

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