Chapter 6 The Enemies Hideout

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The tall blonde leads the way through the woods outside the guild, heading north behind the guild. Yugi and Wendy swung helplessly from the jaw of the Sabertooth Tiger both surprised that their clothes haven't ripped under their weight.

"You caused us a lot of trouble Yugi Muto. Don't do anything stupid when we get you to our base. Don't want anything to happen to your little girlfriend here." The dark red haired male laughs gripping Wendy's jaw in his hand roughly.

Wendy glared at the male while Yugi grit his teeth. The male annoyed he couldn't get a rise out of the spikey haired brat let's go of the girls face in exchange to pull her hair, making her Yelp slightly. "Alister! Knock it off!" The man in front of them glared back at the skinnier male who let go off Wendy's hair reluctantly huffing. "Why'd you even bother getting the girl anyway Raffie?"

The male ignored him as they keep walking while the two youngsters hung. Yugi looked at Wendy apologetically. She just shook her head giving him an encouraging smile. Yugi felt terrible for dragging the bluenette into this mess thankfully she didn't feel that way about it.

The trek through the woods was endless so endless that the backside of Wendy's and Yugi's clothes ended up ripping. "Ahh!" The two cried out in surprise as they both landed on their asses.
Alister didn't miss a beat grabbing Wendy's arm forcefully pulling a magic sealing cuff on her wrist, "Think you two are gonna get away now?" He yanked Yugi to his feet cuffing him as well. Yugi didn't like nor understood the feeling the cuff on his wrist. It made him feel strangely weaker.

The Sabertooth growled behind the two kids as they ran to keep closer to the Blonde male rather than the Cruel dark red haired male and the viscous Tiger behind them. Yugi grasped Wendy's hands in his keeping her close to him making sure the man behind them didn't touch her again like he was doing.

"Where are you taking us??" Yugi demanded as suddenly the earth went down hill as they got to an underground cavern hideout they were using. It was dimly lit as they walked. Wendy held tightly to Yugi to avoid tripping, her eyes struggling to adjust to the darkness.

Alister wanting desperately to just shove the two brats down the incline, addressed his male companion. "You bringing the brats to Dartz or they going straight to the dungeon?"

Raffie or Rafael as Alister called him earlier retorts. "Did you forget that the master wanted to see this brat to make sure it's the same brat." He grumbled as the paths started branching into double openings as he takes the left leading them to a hollowed out cavern. Further inside was a Male standing before a slumbering creature. Yugi could barely make out what the thing was.

"welcome back you two.." The male with turquoise colored hair and teal green eyes look at the 4 as they approach him. "Hmm? What's this girl doing here? Rafael..." He looks to the man in front.
"This stupid brat Yugi was protecting her. I figured I'd drag her along just to annoy those Fairies." Suddenly as if Rafael was on puppet strings, he was thrown sideways into the wall. "Aghh!" He groans rubbing his head as it connects his body landing on the ground.

"You forget yet again. Those Fairy brats can wipe us out!" Alister laughs at his words. "What Fairies? There were only 4 of them in the guild! Our luck peaked, they're all out to sea except 3 dragon slayers and a celestial wizard!" Dartz looked surprised by Alisters news. He smirks looking at Wendy flicking his wrist as her body moved itself towards him. "E-eck!" She squeaks in surprise as her body moved until it was inches from his grip as he grasped the girl by the hair.

"Wendy..!" Yugi fists his hands feeling helpless finally realizing the cuffs were suffocating his magic. "So she's a Fairy as well. No matter, throw her in the cell with our dear guest Yugi." He pushed Wendy back towards Yugi both kids glare at the male. "What do you want with me? How do you know who I am!? I'm not from this world!" The three men laugh in unison as the two now very confused mages.
Dartz, wearing white and teal robes that left his arms in thin sleeves, now smirking.

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