Epilogue: Coming back to you

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(Hey guys it's finally here. 2 months works finally Accomplished. I'm really excited to close out this story with a sweet and dramatic epilogue. Lots of things are gonna be new. As for Yugis appearance for this he'll have the same height and age as he would have the the DSOD movie so I put his age at 18 in that movie considering I think in that movie they finally graduate I haven't seen it in a while I really gotta watch it again someday but yea let's get to it)

Epilogue: Coming back to you

{4 years later}

Yugi woke once again from his sleep tears falling down his face. "Damnit.." the pain in his chest returned. It's been almost 6 months since the final duel and Yami's resting place. It was barely 10 at night.

He hoped Joey was up as he gave him a call, the phone ringing in the quiet house. It's been quiet since his Grandpa passed away just after Graduation 2 months ago. So much hit the fan so fast that Yugi felt hollow inside. Talking to Joey usually helped set him straight.

"Hey Yug. bad dreams again huh?" Joey was used to the late night calls now. After they returned home 4 years earlier he and Kaiba moved in together not giving a damn about the shock it gave everyone.

"Yea.. first losing Yami now Grandpa.. it's just a mess, man."  He ran a hand through his hair letting out a frustrated sigh.  Joey thought for a moment before speaking.

"have you been practicing..?" Yugis eyes widen. He knew what Joey was talking about. His light magic. Even with Yami being gone he continued to practice it because he wanted to one day return to Fiore and his magic would lead the way to returning to that world.

"Y-yea I have.. why do you ask Joey?" Joey smirks a little he knew Yugi's mind well. He knew that Joey knew. The girl who haunted his thoughts the one he wanted to see more than anything.

"I'm saying I think it's time for you to go back there. Yugi I love you man your my best friend. But nothing is keeping you here. Yami's not here, your grandpa passed away. Yugi Im thinking of you and  I think you should go back to Fiore." Joey spoke with complete honesty in his voice.

Yugi looked down and felt his throat where the buckle choker was absent. The one he left in the care of the girl he said he would one day return to. "Would you take care of the shop for me..? If I ever come back?" Joey chuckles slightly, knowing his best friends worries.

"You know I will Yugi. Your my best friend, hell the best man at my wedding, thank you for that." The blonde chuckled again a grin on his face as he rubbed his tired eyes, as he looked at the lump in the bed next to him.

"You knew I wouldn't let you down, pal." Yugi smiled thinking for a minute. "Can Kaiba get it going?" Joey pumped his fist grinning.

"Of course he'll get it running. Anything for you yugi. We'll get you back there in no time. Did you want to pack anything up to take with you?" Yugi smiled at his words as he grabbed his deck holding it close.

"You know it. I'll get packing and I'll be over tomorrow okay. See ya Joey." He hung up his cell phone as he got out  of bed and started packing up things in a bag.

He blushed lightly looking at his cell the picture's that Joey took of them. He couldn't take his eyes off of the 14 year old picture of Wendy sitting at the diner.

He sighed smiling. He couldn't wait, his heart was already racing from the thought of seeing her. He packed up a bag with his clothes his deck case, duel disc even though it wouldn't be usable there. He still wanted it with him.

He even put the empty puzzle box he kept his extra cards in. He figured why not surprise his mage friends with some cards. he took some packs and boosters from the card shop to take with him.

When cards and magic collide (YugiohxFairytail crossover) Where stories live. Discover now