Chapter 9 Prelude to battle

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(This story's almost finished on fanfiction I'm reposting it here)

It was midday as the group prepared to leave the guild, following Yugi, Wendy and Happy in the direction the mages took them as they left through the hole in the wall.
"This way. Through these trees.." Yugi recounted as he and Wendy led the way. Future Yugi wondered how different they would play this battle out. He knew Dartz the last time he reduced the guild to rubble and the battle took place in the remenants of Magnolia. Considering they didn't tear down the guild this time around meant they were playing it more safe.

Lucy looked at Future Yugi with a bit of concern and worry. She knew he must've been under extreme stress worrying about Laci, his Laci. "Future Yugi?" He looked at her. "Don't worry about Laci. We'll get her back." The older male smiled gently at her words.
"No doubt! Those guys are gonna burn for everything they've done!" Natsu huffed steaming slightly.

Future Yugi looked at his dimensional counter part and smiled a little. Before they had left, Future Yugi made sure that the 4 duelist knew how to handle themselves in a situation. Joey being like Natsu rushed into the fight naturally while Kaiba let his cards do the talking. Yami and Yugi did a tag team style. Future Yugi wanted to make sure that besides using their monsters, that if need be to be able to use the magic itself.

He hopes from watching the mages around them they'll be able to fight and use their magic effectively if the time needed. As long as they had their monsters and their magic they would be fine.
"Down here. This way." Wendy urged as the path went down hill shortly. It didn't take much more time before they reached the cavern. It was dimly lit just like Yugi Wendy and Happy remembers. Natsu and Sting raised their hands their magic making light in the cavern tunnel.

after a few minutes of walking Yugi looked worried. "Somethings wrong.."
Gajeel crossed his arms over his chest. "What's wrong Tiny Yugi?" Yugi almost fell on his face hearing those words. "Whats with the tiny nonsense?" He looked hurt like he would cry but more annoyed than anything as he looked at the long black haired male.

"it's cause your tinier than your future self here." He points that out which makes Yugi let out a slight irritated noise and Future Yugi tried to hide his amusement.
Yugi shook it off a minute later. "Somethings not right. The tunnel feels longer. It was never like this.." Natsu hummed and ran ahead his feet on fire after about 5 minutes of running he shouted back. "There's a room here!" The rest of the group caught up to Natsu who was in front of an entrance to a larger room.

They entered it carefully as the room quickly lit up. "Well well well, look at what came crawling back. Your making things difficult Yugi." Rafael appears first as Alister and Valon soon appeared as the room lights up more.
Future Yugi stood before the group. "It's over you jerks..!" Alister flips his hair swaggerly. "Not just yet. Time for the real fun to start." Valon smirks as his shadow expands as two body's emerge from it.

The male that Yugi and Wendy saw before stood there beside a woman with a mess of thick long brown hair that touched her knees. Her clothes were worn torn and stained with blood.
A torn purple blouse with black ripped and ugly pants. Blood was stained on most of the clothes even where the skin showed were sometimes clean with a fresh mark that was like a week old.

Future Yugi grit his teeth. "Let her go Dartz!!" Natsu and Lucy who both were more familiar with Laci than the rest of the group quickly realized the women in chains next to the turquoise haired male was Future Laci.
"Oh I'll let her go alright. Time to play Dragon Priestess." With those words the chains fell from her body, her eyes which gleamed across from them, crimson eyes glancing from each of the group across the large gap.
In seconds Yugi Yami Joey and Kaiba were pushed back into the wall by the others as the magic spiked in the room. "Stay here.." Future Yugi warned them looking at each Duelist.

When cards and magic collide (YugiohxFairytail crossover) Where stories live. Discover now