Chapter 19 Time to say Goodbye

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(Here it is you guys the final chapter before the Epilogue. Here comes the hugs the tears and the goodbyes. Hold on to your sanity and tissue boxes. Also I used the song power of a dream which is the first opening for the final season of fairy tail so instead of including the lyrics just go listen to the song when you read this okay?)


Wendy's ears twitched at the sound of the static from Yugi's gauntlet. She blinks her eyes open as a voice speaks through the static.

"...-oey? Yugi.. are you there? Is Seto with you? ...He's not here.. please respond." Wendy almost responded to the voice but then she realized from the first time this occurred.

They needed lots of electricity to get a stable connection. She sat up from her position on the table where she laid with Yugi after the party. She touched his long sleeved jacket covered arm and looked at the Gauntlet. It was like a  large screen encased in metal that reminded Wendy of a watch.

"Can you hear me..?" She spoke up slightly. She didn't want to mess with it but she knew someone from their universe was trying to contact them.

Sadness flooded the young dragon slayer at the realization that she would lose her new dear friend. She sighed slightly looking at the gauntlet as tears pricked her eyes.

She knew that they would eventually have to return home. This wasn't their place. They had people trying to get them back. She still hated the idea that she'd lose him.

She looked at Yugi a smile poking at her face. As she put his arms down Yugi's facial features started to move slightly as he opened his eyes, blinking a couple times then looked at Wendy's brown eyes.

"Wendy..? You okay? How come your awake? It's night time." She looked away from home her face turning pink at getting caught looking at him.

"I-I uh.. it was your thing... I-it was staticing up again." She pointed to his wrist which he looked at. The static had stopped by the time he woke up so he was slightly confused but he believed her since Wendy wasn't the type of person to make stuff up.

"Mokuba was trying to contact us again. I wonder if they ever got the transporter fixed. Since things have been fixed and both of our worlds are safe we should try getting back home..." Yugis expression faultered a bit as he look at Wendy who didn't meet his gaze.

"You guys deserve to go home. You'll definitely be missed, but you have lives, friends and family back home..." She faked a small smile looking at Yugi. He knew she was faking it but wouldn't push her.

"Well we can't tell them now.. it's the middle of the night." Yugi smiled as he slung his arm around Wendy's shoulder as a blush spread across their faces. She looked at him puzzled but smiled.

"Let's get some sleep then." She smiled laying down on the table with him as Yugi fell asleep. She gazed at him softly but sadly as she fell back to sleep as well.


The next morning the guild members cleaned up the party as Gajeel and Laxus set up the monument in its location, a small location 30 feet behind the guild. A small pond was nearby that had a river pass through it was nearby.

It was a simple clean up within the hour the party behind the guild was cleaned up. Wendy approached Joey, Kaiba and Yami who had finished their portion of the cleaning. Yugi was still helping out by taking down the lights with the Exeeds.

"Can I talk to you, Fellas..?" She spoke softly looking at them. The three exchanged short looks before Kaiba addressed her.

"Something wrong, Wendy?" The brunette squatted down to look at her better. The girl had her hands clasped together in front of her nervously.

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