Chapter 18 Moving Forward

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(Here's another chapter this time it takes place at the guild while the group has gone to the beach. Also I just realized in my last chapter for this and my other chapter in my new story I literally hurt or almost killed Yami. Someone who's already dead I tried to kill again x,D I'm so messed up)
"Have fun at the beach everyone!" Laci called out as she waved the group off before her and Jet shut the door. Max a male with sandy brown hair clapped his hands together.

"Alright so let's get the party making started. Gray had his orders to make sure the group wouldn't be back till late this afternoon." Warren held a clip board as he was listing things off.

Thanks to the group having passed out yesterday for a long rest Natsu had informed Laci and the others the idea he wanted to do for the group especially Future Laci and Future Yugi.

"minna I was thinking we should make a monument dedicated to their home and those they lost." He had mentioned this idea to Gray Erza Lucy Master Mira and Laci. Erza cupped her chin thinking.

"You want to make a tombstone basically in their memory?" Lucy smiled widely at the idea high fiving her best friend. "Great job Natsu!" The pink haired male grinned wildly as master closed his eyes thinking. "We can make this a party and the reveal of the monument could be the big surprise." The group liked the idea. Gray even pointed out something.

"Laci could provide a wonderful song for the occasion." The brunette turned red as Natsu wrapped an arm around his girls shoulders. "Nice idea, ice princess! Laci will be a knock out at singing the song." She blushed at his words as she made a suggestion.

"If someone could draw the monument I could make it with my metal magic." Lucy decided she'd get to work on the design. The plan was to get in motion the same day as the location behind the guild was cleared away.

now that the group was gone, Mira and several girls went into the kitchen to make the party platter. Natsu elfman and several of the guys went behind the guild and were putting together the stage for Laci. The exceeds decided to string up out door lights since the pastry would be close to evening almost sunset.

Laci was writing the song down outside under the trees so it would give her better inspiration. The complete and utter loss those two went through, she wanted to make a song that symbolizes their loss as well as going forward.

She watched Natsu Elfman Laxus Freed and Max get the stage put together some of the other, nearby the other more creative mages started making a banner for them to tie in the trees. "Looking good fellas!" Evergreen a light brunette with green eyes and wearing a green pixie dress walked out from inside the guild, judging from her sweat she had came from bear the kitchen where the other girls were busy cooking.

Cana walked around the guild building carrying what looked like metal chunks of various kinds and sizes. "Here you are Laci. Lucy left me the diagram for the momument." She dropped the metal next to the long haired brunette and passed her a folded paper which she unfolded.

On the paper it showed two symboles on a pillar, the first symbol side by side was of the Fairy tail guild mark but it was adorned with angel wings that curled around the symbol in a heart shape fashion with a halo above it.

The one next to it with the same halo and angel wings was the design of a monster card. Lucy told me the monster was the Dark Magician apparently a card that Yugi own and was sure that Future Yugi owned as well along with His yami. She was sure to get the details right after having asked Yugi for his card for a sketch.

"This looks perfect..! I'll get started right away. Make sure I have plenty of metal to work with ok, Cana?" The fellow brunette gave her a thumbs up and a wink as she lead back around the guild. Laci went to work morphing the bottom of the monument.

When cards and magic collide (YugiohxFairytail crossover) Where stories live. Discover now