The Co-Worker (TaeJin)

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Sitting in this cubicle day in and day out can be quite mundane, luckily I have something to look forward to in the form of Kim Taehyung. We have worked together for about a year now and I don't think he even knows my name, but boy is he nice to look at. I am peeking over my cubicle at his cubicle and of course 2 or 3 girls always standing around talking to him, I sigh and sit back in my chair, I wish he would notice me. "Quit being a creeper Jin", I turn to glare at my friend and coworker Namjoon. "Whatever, I'm not creeping, just looking", I pout. "He still has no clue you exist does he", Namjoon sounds genuinely sad. I shake my head, "what's it matter anyway, he has all the girls keeping him occupied, I wouldn't want to interfere", I say.

The day was going by so slowly, I just wanted to get out of this cubicle and get some sun on my face, I like my job but its not my dream, having my own restaurant is what I really want. I will get there one day, I am taking business courses at night, once I get my certificate I am going to start looking into finding a good location. For now I need to just type away on this computer, and long for the man 3 cubicles away. "Lets go get lunch Jinnie" Namjoon says stepping into my cubicle. "What are we in the mood for today Joonie", I ask locking my computer. "I think we'll just go to the cafeteria, its been awhile", he says smiling from ear to ear. "How can I say no to those dimples", I say pinching his cheek, "lets go."


I watch him walk past my cubicle again without looking at me, he walks past my cubicle at least 10 times a day, I know this because I keep count. I wish he would stop once and talk to me, I have liked him for almost a year now and I am to shy to even try to approach him, "why so sad Taehyungie", Jimin says walking into my cubicle. "He still wont look at me or even try to talk to me Jiminie, what am I going to do", I pout. "Taehyung, have you ever thought of talking to him", Jimin says giggling. "Oh god no Jimin, are you crazy", I feel a panic attack coming on just thinking about approaching Seokjin. I remember the first day I saw him, I literally swooned, I had never seen such a beautiful man before, I haven't been able to get him out of my mind since. Seeing him in meetings, he is so funny and smart, I notice how all the girls look at him, but he never looks at them.

I daydream about him, what it would be like to kiss him, and hold him, I wonder if he is good at cuddling, and what it would be like if he made love to me. "Earth to Tae, are we going to lunch or are you going to sit here and dream all day", Jimin says. I grab my phone and we head down to the cafeteria, I see Jin sitting with that tall guy, "is that his boyfriend", I ask Jimin. "No", Jimin snaps. I look at him scared he'll bite my head off. "Sorry, didn't mean for it to sound so snappy", Jimin laughs, "that's his best friend Namjoon, he works in my department." "Oh that's nice, so do you talk to Jin at all", Tae asks with hope in his voice. "Not really, just high and bye mostly", Jimin says. We sit down to eat and I notice Jin look at me, I got so nervous that I almost choke on my water, Jimin hits my back, "you okay", he asks. I nod but keep my head down the rest of our lunchtime.


These two clueless lovesick fools, they both think at the same time, looking at each other across the cafeteria. They wink at each other and go back to entertaining their friends. When lunch was over they met up in the supply closet, kissing hungrily like they haven't seen each other in years. "What are we going to do with those two Joonie", Jimin asks hugging his boyfriend, "we need to give them a push I think." "I never thought Jin would be so intimidated by someone, but I think his ego gets bruised when he sees all the girls by Tae's desk", Namjoon says Kissing Jimin's neck. "They talk fashion and hair color, you know what a fashionista Taehyung is, all the girls flock to him for advice", Jimin says laughing. "Jin doesn't know that, all he sees is a bunch of girls hanging around his man, and he gets discouraged, so he doesn't approach him, I think its time we intervene", Namjoon says.

They both take out their phones and send text messages, they kiss once more and leave the supply closet, hopefully their plan will work and they can finally get these two to talk to each other.


My text message tone goes off, its Namjoon telling me to meet him in the copier room in 10 minutes, I text back ok.


My phone dings and its a text message from Jimin telling me to him in the copier room in 10 minutes, I text him back a thumbs up and finish up what I was doing.

I walk to the copier room and nobody is in there, so I decide to wait to see if Jimin shows up, about a minute later the door opens and Seokjin walks in. We both freeze and stare at each other, "I'm sorry I was waiting for Jimin", I say. "I am waiting for Namjoon", Jin says. "I can wait out...", I go to walk around him to leave but he stops me. "Taehyung wait, can we talk for a second", Jin asks. I turn to look at him, my face feels like it's a 1000 degrees and is prolly red as a cherry, "sure, what's up", I say nervously. "I think maybe our friends set this up, I have been wanting to talk to you for a very long time, but you always seem busy with someone else, and I don't want to interfere", Jin says cutely, I can hear the jealousy in his voice because I know he is talking about the girls in the office. "I've been wanting you to talk to me for a very long time too", I laugh, "I always chicken out whenever I would get near your cubicle, and then just end up walking past." "It seems we both are bad at this, would like to get a drink with me after work", Jin asks. My heart races and I start to sweat, oh my god my crush just asked me out. "Id love to, Ill meet you downstairs at 5", I say handing him my phone, "can I have your number, just in case." He smiles, "sure", he says taking my phone.


Five o'clock couldn't come fast enough, and when it finally did I grabbed my stuff and ran downstairs, I didn't see Tae in his cube, so I am guessing he went down already. I see him standing in the lobby looking nervous, as I approach him, "are you ready." He jumps and laughs, "sorry you startled me", he says looking at me, "are you kidding, I am so ready, I've wanted this for so long." I blush and take his hand.

3 years later


"Namjoon, order up", Jin says from the kitchen. I sit at my table and watch my beautiful husband while he works, he finally got his dream and opened his own restaurant, Namjoon and Jimin quit also and now work with Jin, they are all so happy finally. As am I, I quit also and chased my dream to became a freelance photographer, Jin has supported me the whole way, he knows the money isn't great, but he didn't care as long as I was happy, and I am so very happy now. "Here comes the choo choo", I say aiming the spoon at our son's mouth as he giggles. Jin came over and kissed me, taking my breath away as usual, "here I brought him some apple sauce, I just made it this morning", he says kissing Jae on the head. "Oh Jae loves daddy's homemade applesauce", I say cooing at my son. As I watch my husband play with our son my heart swells, I didn't think this much love really existed, I thank Namjoon and Jimin everyday for bringing us together in that copier room, that was our beginning, and there will be no end as far as I am concerned. My husbands eyes find mine, "I love you so much Kim Taehyung", he says kissing my lips. "I love you more Kim Seokjin."

The end

A/n My new Book, will be short stories of Taejin/Jinkook, but like I said maybe Ill throw some other Jinships in there, we'll see! Thank you for reading!! I love you guys 💜💜💜

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