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Chapter I.
The Air She Breathed

"To Prince Oleg! To the prince!"

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"To Prince Oleg! To the prince!"

Irina raised her glass to toast to the success of her brother's military efforts. He had done his time in the front and was now more than happy to be home.

Despite the fact that he probably spent his time drinking kvas in one of the tents. After all, she knew her brother so well. 

She let a small smile grace her lips as her brother bowed gracefully, the alcohol already taking effect as seen from the redness of his cheeks. 

"Now, now. I am not to be praised as such yet. After all, there is still much to be done. What with the Shadow Fold and the constant attacks from Fjerda. Reserve your applause for the time when I find solutions to those." Oleg smirked, clasping the shoulders of the noblemen beside him.

Eager young men who wanted to get close to the future King of Ravka.

"I do not suppose this is the type of scene you wish to be a part of, Princess Irina." A hand being placed atop hers broke her out of her reverie.

Irina turned her head to one of her brother's friends. A bright-eyed young man, with shaggy brown hair. She vaguely remembered her brother calling for the young man, calling him Pasha. 

 If she was not mistaken, he was the son of one of the merchants in Novokribirsk. One of the merchants almost out of business due to the Shadow Fold in place.

"What makes you think that, Pasha?" She asked, taking a bite of the quail roasted in honey. The sweetness pricking her tongue like droplets of sugar. 

'Pasha', taking that as his cue to continue talking. Probably renewed with energy after realizing that he caught the princess of Ravka's attentions. 

He smiled confidently and somewhat suggestively held unto her hand firmly. "Well, I assume that a princess, such as yourself, would rather spend time in the gardens and pick flowers. Maybe spend some time in the stables. Privately."

Irina rolled her eyes, already exhausted from the sound of his voice. She maneuvered her hand to remove his hold on her before squeezing his wrist tightly. "Actually I have been enjoying the celebration thus far. If only it wasn't interrupted by an irritating insect."

"Why you littl-" Pasha started, trying to pull away.

"Careful now. You certainly wouldn't want to be crushed, insect. It could happen." She leaned in, whispering. Unknowingly, speeding up the beating of his heart. "Just. Like. That." 

Pasha stumbled out of his seat. He couldn't get away fast enough, pushing away servants and other guests to get to the door. 

If her brother had eager young men clambering for his attention and his favor, Irina had eager young men clambering for what she had to offer. Time, she supposed. Perhaps affection and of course, a possible dalliance with a princess.

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