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Chapter LX.
The New Age

The skies were gloomy by the time they arrived at the Little Palace

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The skies were gloomy by the time they arrived at the Little Palace. 

The sun had already sunken far beyond the clouds and an eerie fog seemed to have surrounded the grounds. Despite the weather, Irina could not help but smile as they entered the Little Palace. 

There was something about it that always felt like home even though she had grown up in the Grand Palace. It was almost surreal that she and Aleksander had built such a palace to house most and if possible, all Grisha in the country. 

Upon stepping inside, they were all hit by the warmth from the dozens of roaring fireplaces lit all over the building. Everyone would be staying indoors, most probably at their lessons on Ravkan history and the likes. As much as possible, Irina wanted the Grisha to train when the weather was good so that should any accidents occur, they would be easily fixed. 

She watched as Alina Starkov looked around in wonder at the tall spires and magnificent ceilings. Earlier, the young Sun Summoner had so many bad things to say about the Little Palace, it was only nice to see her struck awed by the very building she mocked. 

"You have nothing to fear, miss Starkov. The high walls are good for something after all." Irina said, smiling at the young girl wistfully. All her past negativity were long gone, extinguished by merely being with her husband. 

It was not Alina Starkov's fault that she thought that way. Perhaps she was angry and bitter from the fact that they had taken her away from all she'd known and swept her up in a bigger world. Nevertheless, Irina was no longer angry. 

"You'll be safe here. The palace is the most secure building in the whole country." Aleksander added, his hand finding its way onto Irina's lower back. 

She couldn't help the small smile that graced her lips at his subtlety before speaking up to assure the Sun Summoner. "We made sure of it." 

Alina Starkov turned around, confused when they made no move in following her to the hallway they motioned her to. "Where are the two of you going?" 

"Take her to the vezda suite." Aleksander commanded the guards, giving no indication that he would answer her question. 

"Rest well." Irina said, giving the young girl a smile and hoping that it would be enough to comfort her that no harm would come to her. 

Alina's voice stopped the two from leaving when she asked. "Am I a prisoner?" 

It was Aleksander who answered, his tone heavy with all the years of burden from the casualties in the Fold. "All of Ravka is. Until we have banished the Fold and destroyed it from within."

With that, Aleksander and Irina made their leave, knowing that the young Sun Summoner would need time to settle into her chambers. The two made their own way to their chambers, their bodies close but the air between them silent. 

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