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Chapter X.
Crowns in Cages

Irina sat by her window, watching as the moon rose steadily in the night sky

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Irina sat by her window, watching as the moon rose steadily in the night sky. Moonlight entered her room and coated her chambers in a white glow. 

She looked down at her hands, still not able to believe all that she had done with the power she had so carefully hidden away for so long. 

After all, she had saved her father from death. That alone showed how much she needed this power. That alone proved that she needed Aleksander to show her how to control it, how to wield it. 

The mere thought of Aleksander made her flush. The thought of his lips pressed to her temple made her feel warm all over. She could not help but imagine those soft lips upon her own li-

 Saints, she needed to get a hold of herself. 

She was not some starry-eyed maiden waiting for a knight to come and save her. She was a princess of Ravka whose secret could cause the whole monarchy to crumble. 

Irina sighed, standing from her perch. She rubbed her arms, attempting to warm her cold arms. She was dressed in her white nightgown, her golden hair cascading in waves around her. 

Her maids had already prepared her for bed, serving her supper and brushing her hair. They had even put warming stones at the foot of her bed. Little do they know, she had plans of her own. 

Noting the hour, Irina grabbed her silk robe, wrapping it tightly around her form. She moved to her closet, opening it and pulling out a red cloak. She put it on as well, taking care to hide her golden hair using the large hood. 

She grabbed a small package of some sort. Her maids had been surprised that she had finished such a large meal. In fact, she had eaten only half, taking the pastries and hiding them in some parchment paper. 

She placed the package in one of the deep pockets of her cloak while putting on her thick stockings and riding boots. If she were to go traipsing in the dungeons, she would not be doing it in one of her dainty shoes. 

More than ready to go, Irina opened her door just a crack, to peek at whoever may be outside. Seeing both sides of the hallway empty, she took a step forward, closing the door softly. 

Suddenly, someone tugged on her cloak, making her jump in surprise. 

"Ri," A small voice said, making Irina look down to see her youngest brother, Igor.

She sighed, pressing a hand to her chest, attempting to calm her racing heart. She took off her hood and bent down to his height, whispering. "Igor, you scared me. What on earth are you doing out of bed?"

The young boy rubbed his eyes, the drowsiness in them evident. He was still so young, too young to be involved in the type of games and risks that she and Oleg live through every single day. She could only hope that he could retain his innocence for as long as he could. 

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