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Chapter XLVIII.
Power and Honor

Power and Honor

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"You're back." 

Irina nodded, her hand clasped tightly in Aleksander's as they faced the one person who had caused so much chaos in such little time. "I am." 

"You idiot!" Baghra hissed, glaring at the two with such harsh eyes as she held her cane in one hand. It was as if she was going to use the cane on them. 

At the sight, both Irina and Aleksander took a step back. The young princess let out a nervous laugh. "It's good to see you too, Baghra." 

"I would hit you both over the head with a cane if I was sure it wouldn't kill off the brains you both don't seem to use." Baghra mocked, releasing an annoyed breath and thumping the ground with her cane loudly. 

"Well, your plan failed. Now what? Are you going to sell us both to Oleg to save your own skin?" Aleksander challenged, stepping forward and subtly pushing Irina behind him. 

Baghra sighed, her whole form hunching over in defeat. "No, I would never do that. I may want to get that stupid boy off my back but I would never do that to you. That ship has already sailed. There's only one thing left for the two of you to do now." 

"What's that?" Irina asked, curiously peeking her head over the Shadow Summoner's shoulders. 

"I would tell you both to run. Far away from Ravka. You're young, Lantsov. You and my son could live for more than a hundred years if you harness your power properly. Return when the time is right, when your brother is dead, and when his descendants need Grisha again." Baghra advised, leaning forward and tracing the map on the table.  "Novyi Zem would be far enough for them to never see you again." 

"You want us to run?" Aleksander questioned, crossing his arms in defense. 

"No, I want you to live. If you stay here, you will die. Leave and survive. That has always been our way." Baghra corrected, recalling all the times that they have escaped persecution. 

"Not mine. That was never my way." Irina shook her head, stepping out from behind Aleksander and making her own stand. 

Baghra let out a frustrated noise as if she were chastising a child who refused to show respect. "It's not too late to start now. This is how you live long." 

"That's not living." The princess said, denying all that the old woman was saying. 

She had been living her whole life in fear. Fear of being called different. Fear that she would say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing. Fear that Oleg will take over and take away everything. Now that her fears had been realized and faced, she knew that her life before was no life at all. 

"What do you know about living? You are nothing but a child." Baghra mocked, not even turning to look at her as she said so. 

Irina defended, stepping forward. "I know that I've been surviving for my whole life and for once, I want to live. To do that, I need to take my country back. I need to take back everything that was taken from me. My crown. My position. My ambition." 

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