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Chapter LVIII.
Changed Man

Irina felt the subtle rays of sunlight creep into her bed the moment it hit her closed eyelids

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Irina felt the subtle rays of sunlight creep into her bed the moment it hit her closed eyelids. 

She let out a weary sigh as she thought about the day ahead. There was much to take care of. Today was the day the Grisha testers would be returning from wherever it is they had been dispatched to and with them, they would be bringing young Grisha with their powers newly discovered. 

Every year, there would be boys and girls with so much potential in their abilities. She had the privilege of watching them grow and master their abilities from a young age. She had ensured her promise. They would have a better future than their brethren that came before them.

Irina allowed her hand to fall on the place beside her, only for her to hit nothing but the soft sheets atop the mattress. Opening her eyes, she turned to see the bed empty with Aleksander nowhere in sight. 

At that, she began to wake slowly. She sat up from the bed, wrapping the blankets around her form clothed only in a white nightgown. The room was lit merely by the weakening fireplace and the lamps lit around. 

Aleksander had surprised her the previous day with a dinner in the gardens of the Little Palace. It had only been the two of them underneath the stars, with a delectable spread of foods and drinks atop a blanket. 

There had been no occasion or cause for celebration yet he still went about surprising her with it, knowing how much it would mean to her. They had been so busy with everything going on and ever the romantic, Aleksander wanted them to spend time together despite their hectic schedules. 

After stoking the flame in the fireplace and adding a few logs of wood, Irina went about getting ready for the day. It was much too early, with the sun just beginning to rise, which meant that she had nothing planned. 

She would always wake whenever Aleksander would not be in their bed. It was as if her body had become accustomed to having him there that if he was not, the bed would not feel as comfortable as it should. 

After brushing her hair and tying it back with a ribbon, she dressed in a simple gown and her red kefta. Being as quiet as she could, she pushed open the doors of the chambers and walked down the hallways of the Little Palace. 

Most of the Grisha were still asleep, all of them tired from their lessons and training. From time to time, her gaze would fall upon a Tidemaker or a Squaller by the lake practicing their abilities in the early hours of the morning. 

It was a beautiful sight indeed but it was not as perfect as the sight her eyes fell upon once she had crossed to a very memorable spot in the gardens of the Grand Palace. 

"Now, raise your arms and call to the darkness." Aleksander gently instructed, his eyes filled with love as he gazed down at a little girl who had inherited his raven locks and abilities in commanding the shadows. 

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