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Chapter VII.
A Prisoner's Welcome

Irina watched Dima saddle the horses that would take them back to Os Alta

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Irina watched Dima saddle the horses that would take them back to Os Alta. 

Dima had woken early in the morning to acquire horses for him and the princess, hoping that if he only had two horses, then the mysterious Shadow Summoner would not accompany them.

However, his plans had failed as it seems Aleksander had a horse of his own for his own travels. 

Irina giggled at the thought of Dima's foiled plan. 

Sensing her glee, he turned over to her, and almost as if he had read her mind, he rolled his eyes at her. 

She walked over to him, greeting him with a smile on her face. "Good morning, Dima!"

She could not explain it but she felt almost light and free, like a bird flying through the air. She expected to feel tired after the events of the prior day, instead, she felt invigorated. 

It was as if her power strengthened her body. Instead of it being like fire eating away, it was like water quenching thirst.

"Did you have a good sleep, Your Highness?" Dima asked politely, pulling the reins free from the saddles. 

Irina nodded. "Yes, I did. Our host was more than hospitable."

"You didn't take any food or drink he offered you, did you?" He questioned worriedly. 

She focused a pointed look at her guard. "I drank tea. What of it?"

"Your Highness! He could have cast a spell on you! He could have darkness crawling inside you right at this moment!" Her guard panicked, turning pale and looking as if he was going to hurl.

Irina sighed, looking down at her hands, the color and life in them glowing. Much better than how pale and lifeless it looked before. "I feel fine, Dima. Cease your worrying."

"He is a Shadow Summoner, a descendant of that monster who created the Fold! For all we know, he could have put some of that power in your tea! What kind of tea was it?" Dima exclaimed.

"Black tea." She rolled her eyes in annoyance, expecting his reaction.

Her guard's eyes widened at hearing what type of tea it was, almost as if he was going to pass out. 

Before any of them could say anything, Aleksander emerged from behind the house, holding the reins of a beautiful black mare. He was dressed in a black tunic and breeches, a jacket made of tinseled cloth around his shoulders. 

"Shall we be on our way?" Aleksander asked, approaching them. He held himself differently than the night before. 

Whereas last night he seemed comfortable and right at home. Now, he took on the role of a sovereign, strong and wise. 

Irina nodded, reminding herself that he was there to help her learn and master her ability, not for her to ogle at whenever she wanted. "Yes, it would be best to have the light on our side."

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