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Chapter XXII.
A Kiss Before Dying

"Ri, you look so pretty

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"Ri, you look so pretty. Pretty like a princess." 

Irina laughed at that as she finished putting the finishing touches on her hair. She had chosen a red dress that would make her stand out against all the light colors she had picked for that night. It was her vanity at play, of course. 

Her golden hair was left flowing behind her back, tiny gems strung through her strands, making them glow like stars in a yellow morning sky. 

She teased, pinching his nose playfully. "I am a princess, Igor. As for you, my little prince. You look very handsome." 

"More handsome than the Shadow Summoner?" Igor piped up, raising his head from playing with Vasilka, who only looked annoyed by the young prince. 

Irina raised a brow at that, looking at her little brother through the reflection of her mirror whilst putting on her earrings. "What has brought on this question, Igor?" 

Her little brother stopped playing with the lion cub, fiddling with his fingers shyly. "People around the court are saying that you give him your favor because he is so handsome." 

"You're perceptive, you know that." She stood up from her seat, crouching in front of her brother and ruffling his golden locks. "Now, can you keep a secret?" 

He nodded aggressively. "Yes! Secrets!"

"Lord Kirigan doesn't have my favor because he is very handsome. He has my favor because he treats me very well." She said lowly, wanting her younger brother to understand that it was beyond physicalities. Not like what the court thought. "And don't worry, you're very handsome indeed. Maybe even more than him." 

He giggled at that, patting down his hair and grabbing one of her bracelets to put one on. "It's because I put on the bejeweled cuffs, isn't it?" 

If she was a bit vain, her little brother was the epitome of vanity. He always seemed to like the flamboyant things, wearing the sparkliest of outfits despite them being considered inappropriate for court. No one could say a thing though, for he was a prince. 

Besides, he was allowed to express himself in any way that he wanted and if that was to buy all the glitter in Ravka to make an extravagant coat for himself, then Irina would support his quest for all the glitter. 

Before she could reply, a knock sounded upon her door, making both Lantsovs straighten up, so used to hiding behind a facade for all the people at court. 

"Come in," Irina called out for the person to enter. 

Vasilka sat back on her hind legs, teeth already bared, only she took on a tame expression once she saw who it was, returning to licking her paws. 

Aleksander entered the room, clad in his black attire and his hair perfectly pushed back. He almost looked as if he were flanked by shadows and like he was their lord. And she knew that he was. 

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