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Chapter XLVII.
General Kirigan

General Kirigan

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"I am so sorry." Irina apologized profusely, her hands in front of her as she tried to fix what she had done. 

"For the last time, darling, you have nothing to be sorry for," Aleksander answered, smiling at her goodnaturedly. Unfortunately, only a second later, his smile faded, only to be replaced by a cry of pain as Irina set his nose back to normal, a loud crack sounding through the air. 

"I kicked your nose! Saints, imagine if the damage had been permanent. What if I couldn't set it back? You could've had a crooked nose for the rest of your immortal life."  She teased, a playful smile on her face. 

The deep emotions from the moment they shared still lingered below the surface. The pain they had both gone through at the thought of losing the other. The need, the yearning, the agonizing feeling of wanting the other so bad and knowing that they cannot have what they want. 

Luckily for the two lovers, the story does not end there. Aleksander's life and soul returned to him. Irina's life and soul would not be forfeit to a madman's control. Who knew love could somehow take a victory in a world filled with losses? 

"I don't think that's such a horrible thing on my part. After all, you will be the one looking at a man with a crooked nose for life while I will be faced with your beautiful face." He grinned, knowing that he got her there.  

She laughed, brushing her fingers over her face and over the wounds on her knees, leaving nothing but clear porcelain skin. "You're right. Perhaps I should give you another kick to the nose for good measure." 

"Don't you dare, Irina Lantsov." He warned, inching closer to her with a mischievous smile on his face. "Or who knows what I might do?" 

She narrowed her eyes at him, standing up and taking a few steps away from him.  "Aleksander Morozova, whatever you're thinking, you better not go about it." 

Without another word, he moved forward, intending on taking her into his arms. However, the princess had another thing coming from him as she took off, laughter escaping her lips as she ran through the trees. 

He couldn't help his own chuckles as he chased after her, his long legs allowing him to gain on her. She turned back for a second, worry flashing in her azure eyes as soon as she saw just how close he was to her already. 

She held in a cackle as she put her hands together in a subtle action, weakening the muscles in the Shadow Summoner's legs, to slow him down. He let out a grunt of pain and the princess knew that he wouldn't be able to catch up to her now. 

Unfortunately, he had a few tricks up his sleeve as well as he called for the darkness to appear in front of her vision. The slight delay caused her to falter in her steps but due to the damp ground of the forest, her hesitation gave way to her slipping onto the wet soil. 

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