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Chapter XXXVI. 
A Familiar Face

Dawn came at a gloomy pace

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Dawn came at a gloomy pace. The sun remained hidden behind the clouds, leaving the whole of Ravka to wake with no brightness shining through their windows, no sunlight to hit them precisely at their closed eyelids. 

Perhaps it was for the best that there was no sun to coax people from their beds for, in their village, something much bigger was taking place. Before anyone from the houses had woken up, two people being trailed by a small creature emerged from the inn like shadows. 

They moved quickly, a mission set on their minds. They departed from the inn after bidding a quick goodbye to the innkeeper's wife who had graciously served them some cold meat. 

The young princess stared up at the church, seeing the visage of Sankt Juris and the dragon in the mosaic. Her eyes marveled at the sight of the magnificent structure. It was much smaller than the chapel in Os Alta but it had its own beauty. 

The church was made up of white stone, stained brown by the eons of time. Its stone spirals reached up to the sky, its tips kissing the clouds that blocked the sun from emerging. It was like a piercing sword stabbing into the heavens. 

Aleksander gently placed a hand at the small of her back to urge her forward as they continued on their way. His touch on her made her smile, reminding her of the night before and how much it meant to them. It was clear that he was thinking the same thing as a small smile graced his lips.

Predictably, the church was empty of people, much like the village. Each one of their steps echoed like the loudest of sounds in a silent building. 

Irina scooted closer to Aleksander, her eyes turning warily to the stone statues. She never really liked looking at them. It felt as if their eyes moved whenever she wasn't looking and it was terrifying. 

Aleksander didn't seem to mind, wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her closer. They reached the low altar in no time and they knelt down in front of it. 

"Is this it?" Irina asked softly, her porcelain fingers trailing across the white stone of the altar. Atop it were books, chalices, and different items used for ceremonies. The Apparat used similar things but much grander of course. Saints forbid the Apparat use things like those of the common folk. 

"This is it." Aleksander confirmed, smiling down at her as he unlocked the clasps at the base of the altar. 

She looked in wonder at the wooden clasps keeping the altar in place. "What are these for? These clasps?" 

"The common folk think that it's to ensure no one steals the altar but truly, it is just a safety precaution for those hiding. Only a Durast has the ability to open them from the inside." He explained quietly before pushing the stone aside. 

She pushed herself to her feet, watching as Aleksander pushed the altar with his bare hands, his muscles straining with the effort. Even moving aside a large slab of stone, he still did it with grace.

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