Chapter 15

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A\N: uhh, is it okay if i do it in Third person's view? i find the POV getting harder every time i write a chapter. i hope you amazing people don't mind :)

it's finally morning.

the sun beamed through the windows. seemed like today was gonna be sunny.

clearly, there's prove that it will and can be. plus, rain isn't welcome when the sun is shining that much.

the light colored the room with a bright orange light.

Charles blinked his eyes opened.

he sees the sun greet him with the light it given him all this time.

he never thought that he would wake up early. he was up until 2. 

he just couldn't remember.

he sat up from the bed and looked around the room.

could he even remember anything from last night? he does remember Ellie coming home though.

he gently kicked the blankets off of him and changed out of his pj's and into his formal clothes.

he walked downstairs and greeted Ruby. he patted her head and gave her a sweet smile.

"morning Ruby!" Charles greeted her. Ruby barked and licked Charles' cheek.

he giggled and shuffled her fur gently.

he pulled out his phone and opened it. it was 7. 

okay, he was used to waking up around 9 or 10. for him, he was shocked that he woke up early.

he pushed his phone back into his pocket and left the living room and straight into the attic.

now, there are unknow reasons why Charles goes into the attic.

Henry or Ellie don't have a clue why and Charles wouldn't let them follow him.

he enters the attic, it always seemed dusty, full of cobwebs.

Charles started walking to a corner and pushed a box away. behind it shows a dog door large enough for a person to crawl through.

he crawled through the space and he enters a small room.

the room and a beautiful window, showing a light outside. it's hidden well, you can't clearly see it.

Charles  grabbed the small box and covered the entrance, to make it look like that nothing happened.

the small room even had a small dog bed. sometimes Charles lets Ruby in there.

since, she's a dog.

a basket of muffins were sitting on a box. Charles stood up and walked over there. he gladly grabbed a muffin and started eating it.

Ellie was in the guest room, fixing her wound on her arm.

yesterday was rather dangerous for her. even though Johnny helped her halfway.

Ellie climbed through different paths ways, following a tracker but she failed and decided to head back.

she still remembers the whole thing crystal clean. 

it did clearly happened yesterday so it makes sense on how she still remembers it

she knew she failed and Henry would ask her where she been. just like Charles.

she didn't know what answer him so she gave him a simple answer. thankfully, Charles didn't question any longer.

after all, they were both tired.

Ellie swore she heard Charles' voice greet Ruby. she knew Charles was awake.

she got up from the bed and decided to go downstairs.

Ellie arrived to the living room and saw Ruby chasing her tail in circles.

she scoffed and laughed. she walked towards the kitchen and there's no Charles.

Ellie looked around the kitchen for signs of Charles. 

the muffin pack that they bought is gone. Charles must have took it, undoubtly.

she heard someone cough behind her and turned around.

Henry was standing there, changed in his everyday clothing.

"Ellie?! where were you?!" Henry exclaimed.

she sighed and knew that she had to think of something fast.

"i went to.. vist Johnny and stayed there over night. i just came back" Ellie lied.

it seemed convincing enough and it was.

Henry nodded and sighed.

Ellie didn't notice that she was holding her breath until she let it go.

Henry paused and looked around the living room.

"where's Charles?" he asked. he turned around to face Ellie.

she shrugged.

"i don't know. when i came in, he was gone. maybe he took a walk somewhere." she said.

she wasn't sure if she was lying or telling the truth.

Henry was pretty much an airhead when someone lies but he lies to keep himself out of trouble and Ellie would understand that.

she's not sure about Charles though.

Henry looked at Ruby while she was spinning around in circles.

it's clearly making them both dizzy.

Charles heard them talking and wondered, how would he get outside from the small room?

he finished eating his muffin and was now reading book and eating more muffins. 

he decided to come down.

he pushed the box open and crawled out again.

after he got out, he pushed the box back to cover it again.

he quietly walked away from the attic and went into the bedroom.

he had an idea, clearly.

all his plans are the best plans, right?

not when they include fucking ticket to death.

Charles opened the window and plopped a few pillows on the ground to soften his landing.

he suddenly dropped down and landed on the pillows.

thankfully, he didn't injure himself and he started to walk around the house and onto the front door

he knocked on the door and stuffed his hands on his pockets.

Ellie opened the door and let Charles in.

they never knew what Charles really doing.

he tricked them into thinking that he took a walk but anything would do to fool them.

there was no choice really..

Charles didn't really like it at all.


ha progress.

Words: 877

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