Chapter 21

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A\N: poor Charles.

Henry felt like Charles spent the whole day sleeping on the couch.

is he dead or something?

from time to time, Henry checks on Charles to see if he has opened his eyes after his slumber.

he didn't seem to wake up, though.

it was around noon and the tea started to get cold.

Ellie gently shook Charles' shoulder to get some sort of flinch.

"he hadn't woken up all morning! do you think something's wrong with him?!" Henry exclaimed. 

Ellie rolled her eyes. she knew Charles was perfectly fine.

"stop being a chicken, Henry. Charles is fine, he's just tired." Ellie groaned.

to be honest, Henry was worrying quite too much. he walks back and forth, waiting for Charles to wake up.

i don't think he knows that Charles is human too.

"how can i not worry? and don't call me a chicken." Henry growled.

Ellie just shrugged and looked back at Charles.

he just fainted that's all and he didn't feel so well that morning.

maybe it's his sickness who's causing all the trouble for Charles.

Henry then shook his head and went outside from the back door.

Ellie just stayed with Charles to keep him company.

she sat there in silence, nothing came out of her mouth whatsoever.

unlike Henry, Ellie wasn't so worried about Charles.

he just fainted that's all and it's like sleep right?

she pretty sure that Henry doesn't know that people take fucking naps.

she felt a shift next to her and a sleepy groan.

her head snapped over to Charles and she saw him, trying to sit up.

"morning, sleeping beauty." Ellie joked.

Charles raised a brow and shook his head.

"how long did i sleep?" he asked.

Ellie looked at the clock and it was 2 pm.

Charles fell into his slumber at 8, according to Henry.

"5 hours? i guess." Ellie scoffed.

"oh, wow." Charles chuckled.

Ellie sighed and handed Charles his headphones and he slipped them on.

"hey, why do you look so grumpy?" Charles asked, touching his red headphones like he hadn't touched them in a year.

"Henry been a chicken. he worries like a sick mother looking for her children." Ellie explained.

Charles tried to hold in his laughter but failed half way.

"what? Henry was worrying about me?" Charles asked, still laughing.

Ellie nodded and continued to stroke Ruby's fur.

"yeah. AND HE WON'T STOP!" Ellie yelled enough for Henry to hear.

she was sure sick of his bullshit, that's for sure.

Henry walked back inside and rushed over to Charles' side.

"are you okay? do you feel any better?" Henry asked, placing is hand on Charles' forehead.

Ellie rolled her eyes once again at Henry's worry for Charles.

Charles giggled a bit and gently took Henry's hand off of his forehead.

"i'm fine, Hen. it got better." he said. 

at least, Henry calmed down a little but not much.

"see, i told you he'd be fine but you didn't listen to me and worried like a chicken" Ellie scoffed.

"shut up Ellie." Henry growled.

he still didn't listen and it made Ellie smirk.

"fine, have it your way." she laughed.


i need to work harder.


Words: 527

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